5fd pm31 1901fedaust

Road To Fedoration

  • Australia Needed a New Defence Force

    Australia Needed a New Defence Force
    Australia feared that their colonies may be taken over by France and Germany because they had a powerful army and we didn't. we needed a bigger defence force.
  • Sir Henry Parks Famous Speech

    Sir Henry Parks Famous Speech
    Sir Henry Parkes gave his famous speech in Tenterfield, New South Wales.In his famous speech he talked about things like defence and about how there should be a great national government for australia.His speech changed the mind of the people.
  • The Constitution Was Drafted

    The Constitution Was Drafted
    A constitution was drafted by selected members of the five colonies who met at five conferances starting in 1890.
  • A draft constitution was written

    A draft constitution was written
    A draft constitution was written. A constitutuion is a book of rules that all Australians can go by and all Australians needed to agree with it.
  • Period: to

    Sir George Reid

    George Reid fought against fedoration in 1891 and 1894. George Reid worked in the New South Wales Parliament as a opposition He also held a referendum in 1898
  • Sir Edmund Barton

    Sir Edmund Barton
    Sir Edmund Barton helped tho draft of the constitution and he attended all Federal conventions
  • Corowa Conferance

    Corowa Conferance
    The Corowa Conferance was organised by a group of citizens, this meeting was held to keep the idea of Fedoration alive. John Quick suggested that there is a representitive for each colony who will write the constitution. The people of each colony would approve it through a referendum. There was two conferences one on the 31st of July and the other in the 1st of August.
  • SA Was The First Colony To Let Women To Vote

    SA Was The First Colony To Let Women To Vote
    South Australia was the first colony that allowed women to vote because in the referendums no one used to let the women vote.
  • Conference In Hobart

    Conference In Hobart
    Premiers of each colony agreed to go ahead with John Quicks suggestion of a constitution.
  • Conference In Hobart

    Conference In Hobart
    In this conference the premiers agreed to go along with what Sir John Quick suggested in the Corowa Conference.
  • Bathurst Meeting

    Anothe citizen led meeting was held this time is Bathurt like the Corowa Conference this conference suggested changes to the constitution.
  • Elections were held for peoples convention

    Elections were held for the peoples convention. The peoples convention was a group of people who wrote the constitution.
  • Period: to

    Sir Samuel griffith

    Sir Samuel Griffeith was the first premier of Queensland. Sir Samuel Griffith was the main author of the constitution at the Federal conventions in 1987 and 1898
  • Referendum For Fedoration

    Referendum For Fedoration
    A referendum for fedoration was held, "YES" vote in Victoria, Tasmania and South Australia. "NO" vote in New South Wales. "NO" referendum in Queensland or Western Australia. A referendum is a type of voting. If you did not like the idea of fedoration you would of voted no but if you liked the idea you would of voted yes
  • The Final Constitution Was Written

    The Final Constitution Was Written
    The final constitution was drawn up and a time table was drawn up for referendums in the colonies to aprove it.
  • Referendum

    They made a referendum for the change of the constitution, "YES" vote in Victoria , Tasmania, South Australia, New South Wales and Queensland. No referendum was held in Western Australia
  • Western Australia Says Yes

    Western Australia Says Yes
    Western Australia accepeted the Constitution from a referendum held in July.
  • Queen Victoria Signs The Constitution

    Queen Victoria Signs The Constitution
    Queen Victoria signs and approves the constitution.
  • First Prime Minester Of Australia

    First Prime Minester Of Australia
    The first governer-general lord Hopeton choose Sir Edmund Barton as the first Prime Minester of Australia.
  • Fedoration

    The Commonwelth of Australia was proclaimed. People all around Australia were celebrating, parades of though the new arch in Sydney made on this day.
  • Australian Flag Was Made

    Australian Flag Was Made
    The Melbourne journal had introduced an Australian flag competition. There was five winners there names are Ivor Evans, a fourteen year old schoolboy from Melbourne. Leslie John Hawkings, a teenager. Egbert John Nuttal, a Melbourne architect. Annie Dorrington, an artist from Perth and William Stevens, a ships officer from Auckland, New Zealand.
  • National Flag Day

    National Flag Day
    3rd of September 1901 the Australian flag was flown for the first time that is why on the 3rd of September it is our 'National Flag Day'