Road to Civil War by Sara Simmons and Jordan Mishka

  • The Compromise of 1850

    The Compromise of 1850
    This compromise secured the balance between free and slave states, the compromise also put an end in Congress over slavery in new states and territories. This means that new states and territories were not allowed to have slavery. This created a political split between slave and free states, because it was hard to keep that balance even between the states and the North and South tried to gain control.
  • 1854 Kansas-Nebraska

    1854 Kansas-Nebraska
    This act gave Kansas and Nebraska territories the opportunity to have slavery. This act made the tension between the North and South rise even more. Tension rose because the south wanted slavery to grow throughout the US when the north wanted an end to it.
  • Bleeding Kansas

    Bleeding Kansas
    In Kansas people who were pro-slavery and people were against slavery armed themselves and fought the opposite side for control. Thousands of northerners and southerners came to the newly created Kansas territory. Repeated outbreaks of violent guerilla warfare between pro slavery and anti slavery following the creation of new territory. This shows that the US were willing to fight the opposite side and America could be on a split.
  • The Dred Scott Decision

    The Dred Scott Decision
    The Dred Scott vs Stanford case was a case brought to the supreme court that Dred Scott who was a slave that lived in a free state was not entitled to this freedom. Also that African Americans were not citizens and were not protected by the US constitution, that they were property. Also that the Missouri Compromise which declared free all territories west of Missouri was unconstitutional. The decision added fuel between the North and the South which brought them one step closer to a civil war.
  • Lincoln-Douglas Debates

    Lincoln-Douglas Debates
    The Lincoln-Douglas debate was the senate race in Illinois in 1858. Douglas was against slavery but he believed that control would resolve the issue. Lincoln also did not agree with slavery but he thought it would be hard to end it when it already existed, so his plan was to stop the spread of it. Lincoln and Douglas had seven debates and the main topic was slavery. Although Douglas won the election Lincoln gained a national reputation.
  • John Brown’s Raid in Harpers Ferry

    John Brown’s Raid in Harpers Ferry
    John brown lead a small group to raid a federal armory in Harpers Ferry to start an armed revolt of enslaved people and destroy the institution of slavery. His small group included 22 men including 5 black men, and 3 of John Browns sons. Ten of his men were killed including 2 of bus sons. John Brown was hurt and was found guilty for treason and murder. This raid made an arrangement impossible between the North and the South.
  • Election of 1860

    Election of 1860
    Lincoln wanted slavery to end and the southerners felt threaten by this. Lincoln ended up winning the election, he had 40% of the popular vote and 180 electoral votes. Abraham Lincoln winning that election was an act that led to the Civil War.