Road To civil war

  • North West Ordinance

    North West Ordinance
    Slavery was forever outlawed from the lands of the Northwest Territory, freedom of religion and other civil liberties were guaranteed, the resident Indians were given decent treatment, and education was provided. (RED) (Political)
  • Missouri Compromise

    Missouri Compromise
    Stated that slavery can exist in new states below 36' latitude, and not above the line. (GREEN)(Political)
  • Period: to

    Nat Turners Rebellion

    A rebellion to try to kill as many whites involved in slavery as possible. (RED)(SOCIAL)
  • Gag Rule

    Gag Rule
    A rule was instituted in the US house of Reps that forbade the discussion of slavery. (RED)(POLITICAL)
  • Annexation of Texas

    Annexation of Texas
    When Texas was annexed by the United States and turned into another US state. (POLITICAL)(RED)
  • Period: to

    Dread Scott

    A black slave who gained his freedom. After it was taken away he attempted to sue the man who took him and regained his freedom (6/30/1847). But under Louisiana law he could not be a citizen because he was black leading him back into slavery. (1857) (RED)(SOCIAL)
  • Wilmore Proviso

    Wilmore Proviso
    a proposal in the US congress to ban slavery in new territories gained from Mexico. Failed in congress. (RED)(SOCIAL)
  • Period: to

    California gold rush

    Gold was found in California and thousands of people particularly men migrated west to get as much gold as they could. gold was found in 1848 and it ended in 1855. The bulk of the people moved in 1849. (RED)(ECONOMIC)
  • Fugitive Slave Act

    Fugitive Slave Act
    A part of the compromise of 1850 that made it legal for slavers to go north and take "fugitive" slaves and bring them back to the south. (RED)(SOCIAL)
  • Compromise of 1850

    Compromise of 1850
    5 laws signed in 1850,
    1. Admitted California as a free state
    2. Gives New Mexico and Utah territories right to choose the legality of slavery
    3. Gave all other new territories the right to choose the legality of slavery
    4. Stronger Fugitive slave laws
    5. Abolition of slave trade in DC
  • Publication of Uncle Toms Cabin

    Publication of Uncle Toms Cabin
    Showed the cruelty of slavery and brought it to light in the North. (RED)(SOCIAL)
  • Kansas Nebraska Act

    Kansas Nebraska Act
    The Kansas-Nebraska act created two territories in the land of the Louisiana Purchase north of the Missouri Compromise line. Was proposed in January of 1854, and ratified in May 1854. Gave too many states to the north and weakened Kansa's strength. (RED)(POLITICAL)
  • Onstead Manifesto

    Onstead Manifesto
    A Manifesto wrote to rationalize the taking of Cuba. Was seen as manifesting destiny not only west but also south. (RED)(POLITICAL)
  • John Brown and harpers ferry

    John Brown and harpers ferry
    An attempt to take harpers ferry, Virginia, in 1859. John Brown had hoped the raid would allow them to take the ferry, but they did not have nearly enough people and it failed. (RED)(SOCIAL)