Road to civil war

  • Missouri compromise

    Slavery was prohibited north of the 36°30′ parallel excluding Missouri
  • The Compromise of 1850

    The final compromise to have the north and the south happy.
  • Fugitive Slave Act

    increased tensions as it obligated northerners to assist in the apprehension of escaped slaves
  • Uncle Tom's Cabin

    Book that made people to rethink about slavery
  • Kansas Nebraska Act

    People voted on Kansas and Nebraska to be a free or slave state
  • Bleeding Kansas

    approximately 56 people died and both the slaveholders and anti slaves close by came down to vote
  • Brooks- Sumner Incident

    Charles Sumner gave a speech that made Preston Brooks hit him with a walking cane
  • the Lincoln Douglas debates

    The debates between Lincoln and Douglas about slavery helped Lincoln build a reputation from the west
  • John Brown's Raid on Harpers Ferry

    Brown sparked a slave uprising and cause a violent raid. Brown was captured and hanged.
  • The Secession Crisis

    Slave states tarted leaving the union starting with South Carolina
  • Abraham Lincoln's Speech at Cooper Union in New York City

    Lincoln gave a speech that made him overnight star. It helped him become a nominee for president and won the Republican nomination for president
  • The Election of 1860: Lincoln, the Anti-Slavery Candidate, Takes the White House

    Lincoln wins the election going against 3 opponents and no slave state voted for him. The slave states threaten to leave the Union if Lincoln won.
  • Lincoln's First Inaugural Dealt With an Impending National Crisis

    In the speech Lincoln tried to show the south that he means no harm but the south took it as a challenge to go to war
  • President James Buchanan

    President Buchanan spend four agonizing months trying to govern a nation coming apart, he was the last president before the union split up and tired his best to keep the Union together
  • The Attack on Fort Sumter

    It was the start of Civil war