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road of revolution

  • Navigation Act

    Navigation Act
    The navigation act was an enforced law where British civilians could only sell their raw goods directly to Britain and outlaw the trade between other people. this act was accepted by most people because they always had a place to sell their raw goods, but overtime it began to irritate and anger civilians because they were being taxed and they wanted to manufacture good without all the restrictions.
  • sugar act

    sugar act
    the sugar act was the taxation of foreign molasses
  • stamp act

    stamp act
    The British stamp act was the taxation of paper, newspapers, official documents etc this act mainly affects the Americans.
  • Townsend Act

    Townsend Act
    the Townsend act was a British tax on glass, lead, paint paper and tea this tax angered the colonists
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    The Boston massacre was a large public shooting performed by the British, this event outraged several Bostonian's and caused a lot of rioting.
  • boston tea party

    boston tea party
    The Boston tea party was an event where a group of civilians dumped 340 chests of tea into the Boston harbor this event had outraged the British so they closed the harbor until the tea was paid for.
  • Intolerable Act

    The intolerable act was an act that was set after the Boston tea party in which that the event had dumped hundreds of tea into the ocean so the British closed the Boston harbor and cancelled the Massachusetts charter.
  • quartering Act

    quartering Act
    This act enables British soldiers to legally live in civilian housing with the owner unable to do anything because it would be against the law.
  • Continental congress meets.

    Continental congress meets.
    -all colonies but Georgia have representatives.
    -voted to send a "statement of grievances".
    -voted to boycott all British trade.
    -Patrick- VA rep-urged colonists to unite against Britain.
  • 1000s of Redcoats in Boston

    1000s of Redcoats in Boston
    The general cage transports thousands of British soldiers to Boston with many more on the way.
  • Midnight ride of Paul revere

    Midnight ride of Paul revere
    Paul revere rides to warn the sons of liberty in Lexington and concord "the British are coming… the British are coming".
  • Battles of Lexington & concord

     Battles of Lexington & concord
    -Battle of Lexington-
    -1st battle of american revolutionary war
    -shot heard round the world” - Ralph waldo Emerson
    -British victory Battle of concord
    -Americans stop the British and force them to retreat back to Boston
  • Capture of first Ticonderoga

    Capture of first Ticonderoga
    -Benedict Arnold and Ethan Allen captured the fort with ease.
    -they collected crucial supplies within the fort including cannons.
    -american victory.
  • second continental congress meeting

    second continental congress meeting
    the patriots set up a post office to decrease the chance of the British reading their messages, they also forge currency to fund the war the Continental army was led by George Washington and as a result the British hire 30000 savage soldiers called the hessian
  • Battle of bunker hill

    Battle of bunker hill
    The battle against the patriots and the British was Fought on breed's hill Don't fire until you see the white of their eyes- was a by William Prescott and its meaning was to minimize the odds of missing to save gun powder. The British were victorious in the long fight but they had several casualties losing hundreds of well trained soldiers due to the generals negligence.
  • congress vote for independence

    The second Continental Congress voted for independence hoping that the patriots would win the revolutionary war and not be charged with treason and then hanged for being a traitor against the British.
  • The declaration of independence is signed

    The declaration of independence is signed
    We celebrate this event with fireworks, food and a day off of work. The reason why is because the United states has full independence and is self reliant.