Stethoscope gs p

RN Journey

  • CNA Huntington Beach Hospital

    CNA Huntington Beach Hospital
    Started working on psychiatric unit. Open unit at the time.
  • BS Social Worker

    BS Social Worker
    Stayed on psyche unit to run groups and work with patients. It became a locked unit the next year.
  • Shifted focus to Hospital IT

    Shifted focus to Hospital IT
    Shifted focus to Hospital IT but still worked part time on the psychiatric unit.
  • Left Hospital to do computer networking and computer support

    Left Hospital to do computer networking and computer support
    Worked at multiple company/sites in Orange County
  • Software Sales Internet

    Software Sales Internet
    Company I worked for sold. Left to work with buddy on internet sales
  • Y2K

    Y2K came and went. Computer spending went broke. Companies merged and collapsed for a bit.
  • Back to Social Work-Crisis Line- PET Dispatch-Admissions

    Back to Social Work-Crisis Line- PET Dispatch-Admissions
    Bored with Sales, missed the hospital enviroment
  • Marriage and move to Northern California

    Marriage and move to Northern California
    Best thing that happened to me.
  • Move back to SoCal

    Move back to SoCal
    Working in hospital as IT part time and contemplating nursing school as shift in career
  • Full Time Palliative Care Family member

    Full Time Palliative Care Family member
    First exposure to palliative care.
  • IHSS Work for family member

    Worked for county taking care of family
  • Nursing School PreReq's

    Nursing School PreReq's
    Needed to update classes due to window of time passing from when I first took classes.
  • Family Member passed

    Family Member passed
    Working with incredible hospice nurses for years inspired me to return to the workforce as a nurse.
  • Invited to sit for HESI Exam for Fall 2020

    Invited to sit for HESI Exam for Fall 2020

    Nursing schools closed till further notice
  • Full Time care for Parents

    Full Time care for Parents
    Palliative and Hospice care for my parents
  • VA Caregiver

    Parents were military and qualified for VA caregiving opportunity for me.
  • Parents passed.

    Parents passed.
    Need to reenter the workforce.
  • Nursing School Began!

    Nursing School Began!
    ADN program began 2 year program with clinical hours!!
  • Pass NCLEX

    Pass NCLEX
    Take and Pass NCLEX
  • Graduate BSN

    Graduate BSN
  • RN work psychiatric unit

    RN work psychiatric unit
    I miss working with psychiatric patients
  • RN Branch out Home Health etc.

    RN Branch out Home Health etc.
    Looking to work part time as Home health nurse/pallative or hospice
  • Work as RN, Wife to Retire

    Work as RN, Wife to Retire
    My wife is allergic to vacations. This may convince her!