Having her hair cut across her head shows how they are still young and "you came by on bamboo stilts, playing horse" shows how they knew each other while they were young. The image shows two kids playing. -
At fourteen, the speaker is early in her marriage and is beginning to create a relationship. "My Lord you", the speaker has respect and related him to a noble person. We choose this image because it displays the marriage they used to have -
Now that they are older she is deeply in love with him saying "I desired my dust to be mingled with yours" showing how they have come much closer and romantic. The image shows that romantic love they now have for each other being with each other. -
The marriage progresses well but the husband travels around as a merchant. This affects the speaker, his absence makes her feel alone and wanting him more. This photo resembles to the separation between the couple. -
Husband is way
When the husband leaves he drags his feet showing he also doesn't want to leave her also. The growing of the moss that won't go away symbolizes how no matter how hard she tries the sorrow of the husband's absence is always in her head. The changing seasons shows how without him everything is gloomy and dead hurting her, and the season also shows how she grows older over the years. The photo shows her sad in the fall without him there as described above. -
Going anywhere for you
As she grows older the distance makes the love only stronger, she will travel great distances just to see him. The image shows the mascot Count Chocula which is mentioned in the poem