
Rita Levi Montalcini

  • -born

    She was born in april 22th 1909 ,from two Jewish parents. (Adele Montalcini e Adamo Levi)
  • school

    In this period it was thought that studies hindered the life of women's as mothers and wives so Rita's dad enroll her in a high school in Turin just for girls , but after Rita'sribbelions she was enroll in the medical faculty of Turin,she going to study the nervous system.
  • Study

    in 1936 she is graduated and after that specializes in neurology and psychiatry and view the first racial laws she was forced to continue her studies Belgium and then in Florence.
  • deportation

    In the 1943 Rita find refuge Fram the deportation in Florence with her mother and sisters.
  • deportation

    They remanned there until 1944 ,and Rita worked as as a doctor in a barracks ,she got the Red Cross badge and when the war is over she is back from her family and have continued her research .
  • Discovery

    in the 50s Rita Levi Montalcini after some studies found the growth factor of the nerve fiber ,known as ''NGF''
  • Discovery

    in 1986 this discovery came included in the nobel prize.
  • Discovery

    In 2001 she was named senator for life.
  • Death

    She is death at Rome in the 2012.