225px rita levi montalcini

Rita Levi-Montalcini

  • Birth

    Rita Levi-Montalcini was an Italian neurologist, born in Turin a 22 April 1909
  • As a Child

    As a Child
    Spent his childhood in a quiet and loving family environment.
  • In the University

    In the University
    In the 1930 she's begon a the study medicine in Turin.
  • Laws racial

    Laws racial
    Of the 1938 a s a jew she was forced to emigrate in march of the 1939 in Belgium.
  • Work

    In the August 1944 become a doctor at the Anglo-American headqurters.
  • In Italy

    During his career in the US she's worked also in Italy and at the 1961 headed the neurobiology researh center created in Rome.
  • Price

    In the 1986 Rita Levi-Montalcini won the Nobel prize for medicine.
  • seniority

    At the Age of 90 years went blid becouse of the maculopaty degenerative
  • Died

    Rita Levi-Montalcini is died a 30 december 2012 at the age of 103 years a Rome