1452671355 manzoni2

Risorgimento italiano from 1815 to 1861 Poetry

By Sbeats
  • Biblioteca Italiana

    Madame de Stael wrote a topic where she focused about Italian literature and she explained what Italian Poet should do for changing classical rules
  • Leopardi stop his studies

  • Pleasure Theory

    Leopardi wrote about pleasure and what it means with pleasure and how to feel it
  • Adelchi

    Manzoni wrote Adelchi that is a tragedy
  • Fermo e Lucia

    First edition of Manzoni's novel
  • Renzo e Lucia

    Ventisettana edition of Manzoni's main novel
  • Operette Morali

    Leopardi wrote Operette Morali. He finished in 1831
  • I Canti

    I Canti is a poems collection
  • Promessi sposi

    Quarantana is the definitive edition of Manzoni's main novel