Period: to
Rise of Totalitarianism
1917 Bolshevik Takeover
Overthrow of government gave power to soviets -
1919 Mussolini Creates Facist Party
Mussolini didnt like the government so he made his own and spread it throughout Italy -
1920 Hitler Joins NSDAP
Now called NAZI Hitler goes to the NSDAP parties and like what they have to say about being superior and joins them -
1922 March on Rome
Mussolini marches into Rome with many follwers governmnt give up power willingly without violents -
Russian Civil War
War between old russian empire and bolshevic party. Bolshevics win keep controll -
1923 Beer Hall Putsch
Hitler tried to take over government by holding politics hostage in a beer hall it was a failed attempt and Hitler was arrested -
New econiomic policy called state capitalism created by Lennin to help Russian economy let people own their own biz and gov ran banks -
Collectivization of Agriculture
tried to help agriculture but did more harm causing many people to starve and die -
Lenin dies
He was a dictator but many people still showed up to his funeral showing his popularity -
Great Purges
Stalin became leader and was nervous of being overthrown so anyone who he claimed guilty was killed -
Writing of Mein Kampf
Hitler wrote this book while in prison about his struggles and ideas it became very popular in the outside world and gave him great popularity as well -
NAZI Soviet Non- Agression Pact
Germany and Russia would not interfere in eachothers events/conflicts -
Invasion of Manchuria
Japan invades Manchuria and occupies land throughout WWII -
Invasion of Manchuria
Japan invades Manchuria and keeps controll of land throughtou WWII -
NAZI Wins Majority
NAZI party wins 38% of votes and giving them more power in the government -
Hitler to Chancellor
Reichstag is burned down so Hitler takes full power of Germany to stop communism -
Invasion of Ethiopia
To prove Italy was still powerful Musolini invaded Ethiopia and crushed them -
Hitler remilitarized which was going against treaty of versailles and multiplied military 7x from '33 -
Germany annexed Austria and made it part of Germany -
Munich Conference
an act of appesement they let Germany controll CZECHs and Sudetenland in hope of stoping a future takeover -
Hitler Takes Sudetanlands
Germany took over the Sudetanlands and convicted Jews -
Rape of Nanjing
Japanese capture city of Nanjing and staged a genocide by killing and rapeing people who lived there -
Signing of Berlin, Rome and Tokyo Axis
All 3 countries decide to join Axis powers and assist US Britain and French