1919- Treaty of Versailles
The Treaty of Versailles was signed by Germany and the Allied Nations ending World War I, it required Germany to pay financial reparations for years and repair the damages they did. It forced Germany to give up land to Belgium and Poland. -
1922- Mussolini becomes fascist leader of Italy
Mussolini created a fascist government in Italy where he became the leader. He was the founder of fascism, his takeover of Italy and the fascist methods he used brought a change to Italy and created a dictatorship representation of Hitler and the Nazis in Germany and him as a dictator. -
1923- Mein Kampf is published
Mein Kampf is a book by Hitler that he wrote in jail also saying "my struggle" and his plans for Germany and blaming all the problems on the Jews. It signified Hitler's goals and his thought of the "Aryans" race only to control the world and knock out the Jews and fulfill Germany. -
1933- Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany
Hitler became the Chancellor of Germany after the death of the German president. It led Germany to the rise of Hitler's power and leadership over Germany and him taking and his control over Germany. -
1934- "Knight of the Long Knives" Hitler consolidates power
Hitler ordered a purge or execution to happen on people he thought would be his political enemies even some in his party. He used this to gain more power even those who brought him to power he had killed. This brought more power to Germany and brought Hitler to more power and more leadership over Germany taking charge. -
1935- Italy invades Ethiopia
Italy invaded Ethiopia, launching a war that drove Ethiopia into exile. Italy won against Ethiopia and then took over the capital. It led Italy to a good start and takeover parts of Africa and led them to try and defeat other countries. -
1937- Japan Invades China
Japan captured Nanjing the Chinese capital, they started to invade more of China and they caused the Rape of Nanjing killing tons of Chinese civilians. Japan started to grow military expansion and set its goals by conquering all of China. -
1937- Japanese Rape of Nanjing
Japanese killed as many as 300,000 Chinese men, women, and children. About 20,000 women were raped. It was significant to Japan that they took over and invaded killing millions of Chinese in Nanjing. -
1939- Germany and Italy sign the Pact of Steel
Germany and Italy expanded their alliance by signing the Pact of Steel which agreed the military cooperation and defense support for Germany and Italy. The Pact brought together their alliance and teamwork of their friendship and the pact they made. It let Germany and Italy have a alliance and trust to defeat the others. -
1939- Germany invades Poland, beginning World War II
Germany invaded Poland and Britain and France declared war on Germany. The Nazis invaded France which made World War II come into place. It set World War II into place and what Germany was doing when trying to take over and invading and having war with the other countries. -
1940- Germany, Italy, and Japan sign the Tripartite Pact
Germany, Italy, and Japan all signed the Tripartite Pact which created a new alliance, The Axis Powers. This alliance brought the 3 together to team up against the other countries. Letting them team up against the others and have an alliance to count on to win.