Rise of Napoleon

  • Napoloeon's Birth

    Napoleon was born on 1769 on the island of Corsica
  • Napoleon Goes to School

    Napoleon Goes to School
    At the age of 15 in 1784 Napoleon won a scholarship to a military training school in Paris
  • Napoleon Joins the Fight

    Napoleon joins the side of the King Supporters
  • Promotion

    By the age of 16 Napoleon gets promoted to second lieutenant
  • Controlling the Army

    Controlling the Army
    A result of Napoleon fighting for the king supporters he was made so he controlled the whole French Army
  • Austrians Surrender

    Austrians are forced to sign a cease fire treaty in 1797
  • Returning to France

    After returning to France Napoleon seizes controll of France in the coup d' etat
  • A New Constitution

    Napoleon makes a new Constitiution and makes himself the first Consul of France
  • An Emperor is Crowned

    In 1804 Napoleon crowns himself the emperor of France
  • new laws

    The Napoleonic Code was created after making peace with the catholic church
  • Death

    After being exiled by the French he dies in 1821 he dies from stomach cancer