Rise of Industrial America, (1876-1900)

  • Chinese immigration to the United States

    Chinese immigration to the United States
    Chinese immigration happen in 1851 when Chinese people came from other countries to America and lived in California. Chinese immigration lasted nearly for a century. They were attached to North America by the gold ruish in California, which lead them to work traditionally.
  • Among Chinese Immigrants in San Francisco

    Among Chinese Immigrants in San Francisco
    Chinese immigrants in san francsico due to the period just after the enactment of the chinese exclusion, the government was reacting to Chinese coming along in San Francisco. The amount fo Chiense was almost equal to the whole number in teh United States.
  • The American West (1865-1900)

    The American West (1865-1900)
    Bringing new and uncivilived people in the West from the railroads. White settlers from the East of Mississippi came to farm, mine, and ranch. African-Americans settlers also came West from the South because of Black-Western towns have prosperity located there. Chinese railroad workers were further added to the diversity of the population.
  • Black Voter Rights Mississippi

    Black Voter Rights Mississippi
    Mississippi became one of the first states to allow poeple to take a literacy test to have voting rights like the whites had. They had the right whi allowed them to without a literacy test as a qualifcation in 1866
  • Franco Prussian War

    Franco Prussian War
    Franco Prussian War was when German states leads to a year conflict, which lead to France being defeated. This also explains how Napoleon III "had taken advice of his military advisors and declared war on Prussia on July 9th" Prussian Wihlem known as the emperor Germany.
  • Mary Celeste Mystery

    Mary Celeste Mystery
    On March 1st a mystery occured on a ship that was supposedly untouched and everything was still on place during the time the boat was on sea. The crew from Dei Gratia realized the ship was seaworthy, as it was near the Azores Islands. It was clear no one was on the shi, everytihing was untouched, but they wondered how the ship came to the island with no one on it.
  • I Will go West

    I Will go West
    This song adressed by J.P Barret summarizes what life would be in the west, and how moving there is the greater good of their family. This is proven by the quote in the song,"Try my luck at farming" proves how jobs would be great for them and their family in the future, with no negative thoughts in the West and its all positive.
  • Period: to

    Rise of Industrial America

    United States emerged as just one giant industrial in 1876-1900, while the indsutrials growth transformed American society. This industrial movement expanded blue collar working class, which lead some farmers to have hard times with new technology and increasing production.
  • The Chinaman in California

    The Chinaman in California
    The Chinaman in California is about how the life of California was when Chinese people immigrated to America in 1876. She explains the life of California and also leads imformation towards the Chinese people explaning the life they lived. She writes down how people jobs were run proplerly from Chinesee but including other races as well.
  • The American Red Cross

    The American Red Cross
    Clara Barton, inspired by the work of the International Red Cross establishes "The American Red Cross" in Washington D.C on May, 21 1881.
  • The Statue of Liberty

    The Statue of Liberty
    Was made in France, and was proposed by Edouard de Laboulaye, and was funded by the French people. It was shipped in 1885 to New York and placed onto Liberty Island in New York Harbor.
  • The Eiffel Tower

    The Eiffel Tower
    Was the work of Gustave Eiffel, who was a bridge engineer. It was made for the centanary of the French Revolution, and was chosen instead of over one hundred other plans that were given. It's metallic construction was completed within months.
  • The Birth of Basketball

    The Birth of Basketball
    The Birth of Basketball was invented by Dr. James Naismith, a P.E professor and instructor at a YMCA school in Springfield, Massachusetts as an indoor game with a soccerball, and two peach baskets used as hoops.
  • Oil find at Spindletop, Texas

    Oil find at Spindletop, Texas
    The finding of Oil changed the Texas landscape by helping them have a Oil business in Texas with the Spindletop oil field. That help them increase with money due to oil.
  • Coca cola First Sold bottles

    Coca cola First Sold bottles
    Coca cola that was trademarked in 1893, the company was able to produce in bottle for the first time ever in March, which was held in Vicksburg, Mississippi
  • Olympic Games

    Olympic Games
    The Summer Olympic Games of the 2nd Olympiad are held in Paris, France. This is the first Olympics where women are allowed to compete.
  • Analysis in our Era

    Analysis in our Era
    This is an important Era because alot of new and improved things happened around this era, an example is Women where finally allowed to play in the Olympic Games when before, it was all men. Now, it would be important because Womens rights wouldn't be equal now either, and we would be all seperated because of our race.
  • Beef and Beans

    Beef and Beans
    Three cowboys named, John Robinson, Lee D. Leverett, and Henry Young lived out and worked out in the West. They had dealt long days with the same meals day in and day out everyday which is beef, beans, bread, and dried fruit. With these similar diets, they would get used to the same foods everyday.