
Rise of Dictatorships

By Dars41
  • Period: to

    Hitler's Rise in Power - Germany

    Adolf Hitler:Biography
    Adolf Hitler was a person in charge of the Nazis, and promoted racial segregation strongly. He was particularly against the Jews, although what he wanted was a society where the Aryan race ruled. He started many wars and killed many innocent people. In the end, he was defeated, and also killed.
  • Germany - Hitler Joins the German Regiment

    Germany - <a href="http://www2.dsu.nodak.edu/users/dmeier/Holocaust/hitler.html" rel="ugc nofollow">Hitler Joins the German Regiment</a>
    Adolf Hitler joined the German army in 1914 and as the rank of a recruit.
    At age 25 he was involved in a regiment to fight against the British and the Belgium. His whole regiment was killed except for Adolf Hitler with luck. His luck ran out in 1916 when he was hit by a shell fragment in his leg. He was taken to the German hospital for two years, away from war.
  • Italy - Fasci Italiani di Combattimento

    Italy - <a href="http://goo.gl/y2WF3" rel="ugc nofollow">Fasci Italiani di Combattimento</a>
    This is an organization that Benito Mussolini made after he left the Socialist Party after World War 1. It was the first fascist organization in Italy, and was radically nationalist and anti-communist. It’s symbol is a fascio, which is an axe wrapped in whipping rods. They broke up fights and strikes in the 1920s, often with the aid of the police who refused to stop them.
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    Rise of Benito Mussolini - Italy

    Benito Mussolini Biography
    Benito Mussolini is a person who was the dictator of Italy from 1922 to 1945. This is about his rise to power and about how he became a dictator by winning the trust of his people, his plans that were daring but well thought out, and how he made use of what was happening around him to his advantage.
  • Germany - Treaty of Versailles

    Germany - <a href="http://www.historylearningsite.co.uk/treaty_of_versailles.htm" rel="ugc nofollow">Treaty of Versailles</a>
    In 1919 June 28 the treaty of Versailles was signed by the allies and forced the Germans to give land to Poland and France and pay for all the damage they caused. Hitler got rid of the Marxist group becoming an undercover agent seeking out Marxists at the same time. After that, he lectured returning German prisoners of the war with the dangers of communism and pacifists and democracy and disobedience.
  • Germany - Leader of the Nazis

    Germany - <a href="http://www.history.com/topics/nazi-party" rel="ugc nofollow">Leader of the Nazis</a>
    At a very young age Hitler joined a small society known the Nazis in 1920. Hitler is named leader of Nazi’s in 1921. He hated and despised the Jews for going against their warfare. He sought to kill them all and punish them all for he blamed them all for all the bad things that happened around there.
  • Italy - National Fascist Party

    Italy - <a href="http://goo.gl/TMqQH" rel="ugc nofollow">National Fascist Party</a>
    A party created by Benito Mussolini as a political expression of fascism. This party ruled Italy from 1922 to 1943 in a government that controlled everything in the country of Italy. At first, the party wanted nationalism and were strongly opposed to communism, but they dropped all republican values after trying to get the monarchy to allow them to create a government, which soon lead to a dictatorship in Italy.
  • Russia - Invasion of Georgia

    Russia - <a href="http://goo.gl/HCxWl" rel="ugc nofollow">Invasion of Georgia</a>
    This type of event explains how Stalin invaded Georgia. At this time Stalin was a engineer during that time. He did this to make a support base in Soviet Georgia that Lenin asked for. This type of support base was made to use against Trotsky. But Lenin struggled to get Stalin more power. But when Kamenev helped him out, he granted Stalin as general secretary in April 3, 1922.
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    Rise to Power of Joesph Stalin - Russia

    Joseph Stalin Wikipedia
    Joesph Stalin was the dictator of Russia for some time. He started of as the General Secratary of Russia, which was not considered the top position in Russia, and used his position to gather support. After he rose in rank, he proceeded to take down his opponents one after another, by blackmail, accusations, and exile. Soon, he had no more opposition, and his dictatorship started.
  • Italy - Mussolini stops Leftist Strike

    Italy - <a href="http://goo.gl/H9Q5R" rel="ugc nofollow">Mussolini stops Leftist Strike</a>
    In 1922, the Leftist Party issued a strike all over Italy. Mussolini was really angry and threatened that if they did not stop the strikes, the Fascist Party would. The Leftist Party claimed that he was planning a siege on the government, but the military did nothing to stop them. This shows that Mussolini had gained the trust of the people already.
  • Italy - March on Rome

    Italy - <a href="http://goo.gl/pK50A" rel="ugc nofollow">March on Rome</a>
    March on Rome - Video
    Mussolini and the top people in the Fascist Party planned out the March on Rome, which involved the fascists taking over the government, and all of Rome being overrun by them. Mussolini was counting on the fact that the king of Italy did not want to have a civil war right after a World War, and he was right. The king invited Mussolini to Rome and made him Prime Minister of Italy. Fascists from all over Italy marched into Rome, and this marks the start of Benito Mussolini’s dictatorship.
  • Italy - <a href="http://goo.gl/h8OrS" rel="ugc nofollow">Volunteer Militia for National Security</a>
    This is the Fascist Militia formed after Benito Mussolini rose to power in Italy. It’s primary goals was political control and police duties. They were also present in the military as the Black Shirt battalions in the Royal Army. They are easily distinguished by their uniforms, with the fascio symbol on their hat and collar, and the black shirts that they wore when not in combat.
  • Russia - Exile of Trotsky

    Russia - <a href="http://goo.gl/ENzYn" rel="ugc nofollow">Exile of Trotsky</a>
    Exile of Stalin - Video
    At this time Stalin aimed for Trotsky with the help of his ally, Nikolai Bukharin. Then in 1925 he attacked Kamenev and Zinoviev that they revealed that they had asked for his help in getting rid of Trotsky from the party. Stalin started to do socialism in one country which puts him to Kamenev, Zionviev, and Trotsky as his enemies. Soon the three began an opposition towards Stalin for more freedom but Stalin defeated the three then forcing them to sign a letter fof submission.
  • Germany - The Great Depression

    Germany - <a href="http://www.historyplace.com/worldwar2/riseofhitler/begins.htm" rel="ugc nofollow">The Great Depression</a>
    The stock market fell and the German workers were being laid off. The German citizens were looking for a way out of the struggle. Hitler helped them and gained their trust. Hitler wanted to change the German government from a democracy to his own dictatorship. The German wall street had fallen and Hitler and the Nazis were getting ready for the German elections. Hitler runs for president and becomes elected.
  • Russia - Domination of Politburo

    Russia - <a href="http://goo.gl/wdDzK" rel="ugc nofollow">Domination of Politburo</a>
    During this time, Stalin was getting more industrial and center control of the economy. He needed to dominate Politburo in order to do what he has to do. But Bukharin was an opposition to Stalin. But Stalin accused him of factionalism and the rest of the Politburo members took his side and banned Bukharin from the Politburo. Them there was another person named Mikhail Kalinin who opposed him. Later on he took care of him and got control over the Politburo.
  • Germany - Hitler as Dictator

    Germany - <a href="http://www.fff.org/freedom/fd0403a.asp" rel="ugc nofollow">Hitler as Dictator</a>
    March 23,1933, Adolf Hitler becomes Dictator through the Enabling Act. The German democracy ended and Germany rose up to full power, bringing war on them selves with only a few allies on their side. The war lasted a long time. Japan fell to the US and Germany fell to the Allies. Hitler the Dictator of Germany on last stand took his and his wives life away.
  • Russia - The Great Terror

    Russia - <a href="http://goo.gl/BkeKX" rel="ugc nofollow">The Great Terror</a>
    This event shows when Sergei Kirov was murdered and that that particular murder started the Great Terror. Then Stalin blamed Grigory Zinoviev and his followers for the killing of Kirov. Then Stalin reopened an old case. Kamenev and Zionviev were both interrogated and Stalin proposed a deal that they would not be executed if they conspiried to Trotsky. They did not follow this and so they were executed. There more things that Stalin did afterwards.