Vladimir Lenin
Lenin was founder of the Communist Party and lead of the 1917 Bloshevik Revo. He was also first head of Soviet Union. -
Russian Revolution
Two revolution that ended 10 centuries of emperial rule and setting social and political into movment, which was the formation of the Soviet Union. -
Rise of Joseph Stalin
Stalin was born in Russia, Goergia, Gori. He had a great outlook for his country but also inflected terror as he moderize Russia and help defeat Nazism, he ruled russia for more than two decades. -
Benito Mussolini
Benito was born in 1883 in Italy, he followed his fathers foot steps bringing the facist party to Italy in 1919. Shortly after rising to power as the dicator in 1925-1926 allieing with German forces. On April 28 1945 he was killed by his own people. -
Aerial engagment Japan taking over mancheria
Japan took over muncheria, feeling they had the right to start an overseas empire. -
Franklin Roosevelt
Franklin was the 32 president and was the only one to be elected four times. Also he lead America though the Great Depression and WWll. -
Adolf Hitler
Hitler fought for his country in WW1 and gained corporal, which then resulted in ranking up. Hitler then took into power Germany and prepared for war by using propaganda and unemployed aswell as jews. -
Germany moving troops into Rhineland
The action of this was directy towards the treaty of Versailles that had the terms that defeated Germany had accepted. -
Neville Chaamberlain
He was prime minister of British as Great Brittian entered WWII. And was known for his appeasmeant policy with Adolf Hitler Nazi Germany. -
Germany annexation of Austria
They took over Austria to unite the forces with the Nazi Germany. -
Germany invasion of Czechoslavakia
Was a Munich pact that Hitler, Naville, Benito, Eduardo signed in that of handing over Czechoslavakia to Germany in the name of peace. -
Germany claimed Sudetenland
It was one of Hitlers ambition to take over Sudentenlands since the majority was ruled by Jews. -
Germans invade Poland
At 5:45 am around 1.5 million german troops invaded Poland. Germany used a tactic which consisted of Airial bombing tanks coming in and destroying anyting that moved. Allong with thousands of motorcycls shooting. -
Winston Churchill
Winston Churchill served in the British Army during WWll and worked as a writers before going into politics. Short after he became prime minister in 1940 and help led a succesful allie attack. -
Pealrl Harbor
Japanese planes attacked the United States Naval Base at Pearl Harbor, killed more than 2,300 Americans. -
United State entrance into WWll
The U.S entered the war because of the attack that was done on Dec. 7 1941 which was the bombing of Pearl Harbor. -
The Munich appeasment
Neville Chamberlan and Prime minister of Brittian meet Hitler to discuss about the munich appeasment meaning Hitler agreed inro not taking over Czechoslavakia if Birttain agreed to help him take over the Sudenten land.