Rise of Christianity in the Roman Empire

  • 4 BCE

    Jesus of Nazareth

    Jesus of Nazareth
    Jesus was a Jewish speaker and religious person, he taught many people about Christianity
    - First-century Jewish speaker and religious leader
    - Referred to as Jesus Christ and the Messia
    - Jesus went missing when their parents visited Jerusalem
    - Mary and Joesph went to find him and saw him teaching at the temple
    - Jesus was a well-rounded person he could read, paraphrase, and debate scripture
    - Born in Judea in 4 BCE and died in Jerusalem in 30 CE
  • 10

    Paul of Tarsus

    Paul of Tarsus
    Paul was at first not a follower of Jesus. Once Jesus died Paul became a devoted follower.
    - After Jesus's death, Paul was one of the Twelve Apostles
    - He wrote the epistles in the New Testament
    - He was Jewish and Roman, therefore, he tried to preach to both of them
    - He was a pharisee and was in the persecution of Christians
    - He traveled across many lands while he was preaching about his beliefs
    Paul was born 10 CE and died 67 CE
  • 64

    Great Fire of Rome

    Great Fire of Rome
    Nero persuaded Roman's to think that the Christians started the fire.
    - Nero the emperor of Rome @ the time was thought to have started & kept the fire burning
    - Nero was angry w/ the Senate & the people
    - The people of Rome didn't like his plans for Rome
    - Even though Nero most likely started the Christians were blamed
    - The fire started in the merchant shops that were next to Roman's chariot stadium
    - The fire lasted six days, it started July 18, 64 CE & ended July 24, 64 AD
  • 66

    Roman Rule of Israel

    Roman Rule of Israel
    Once Rome conquered Israel, they treated them fairly well. The conquering, however, was not so pleasant they destroyed many of there artifacts.
    - Roman destroyed a lot of the Jewish temple in Juerlselm
    - Once Rome conquered they gave Jewish people many rights
    - Jewish communities thrived and had many privileges
    - Julius Caesar made Judaism a legal religion

    - Herod the Great was designated king of the Jews by the Roman Senate
    The conquering started in 66 CE
  • 181


    Perpetua was a Christian martyr of the 3rd century, that was put to death because of her religion.
    - She wrote The Passion of Saints Perpetua and Felicity
    - She was a Chrisitan and the mother of a young son
    - She was put to death because of her religious convictions
    - One of the five Christians that died in the arena

    - Nobody knows who her husband was because she was a slave
    Born in 181 CE died 203 CE
  • 280

    Constantine the Great

    Constantine the Great
    He was the 1st Christian emperor, one of the main reasons that Christianity is a popular religion.
    - He came into power during the 4th century
    - He saw a symbol before the battle of Milivian Bridge it had a cross in the sky
    - Written in Greek words it said under this sign conquer
    - He won the battle and attributed the victory to Christians, Christ, God
    - He signed the Edict of Milan making Christianity legal in 313 CE
    - Born February 27, 280 died May 22, 337
  • 303

    Great Persecution of 303 CE

    Great Persecution of 303 CE
    Diocletian convinced the people of Rome that the Christians were the reason for all of Romes problems
    - Diocletian was hoping to unite Rome by making a common enemy
    - He made an edict that allowed churches, scriptures to be destroyed
    - He also has Christian assemblies outlawed
    - He also made many other edicts taking away their legal rights
    - He made Christians practice other traditional religions
    The Great Persecution started in 303 CE and ended in 311 CE
  • 312

    Battle of Milvian Bridge

    Battle of Milvian Bridge
    A battle between two Emperors, Constantine had a vision of two greek letters before the battle that then were put on the Roman soldier's shields.

    - The battle happened between the Roman Emperors Constantine I and Maxentius
    - Constantine won, this win lead him to rule all of Rome
    - Maxentius drowned in the River Tiber
    - Constantine had a vision from God before the battle
    - The vision was a promise to victory for that battle
    The battle was in 312 CE
  • 313

    Edict of Milan

    Edict of Milan
    An official proclamation saying the Christianity should be tolerated and not discriminated

    - This brought the spread of Christianity
    - Emperor Theodosius signed this Edict of Milan
    - Edict of Milan gave rights to Christians and brought them back into society
    - This edict was unlike the many before it, this edict effectively established toleration for Christianity

    - This Edict also granted everyone the ability to worship whoever and however, they would like
    - signed in 313 AD
  • 347

    Emperor Theodosius

    Emperor Theodosius
    Theodosius made Christianity not only well known & encouraged but made it the official religion of Rome.
    - Theodosius made everyone be Christian
    - He was the last to rule before Rome was split between east & west

    - He made the Edict of Thessalonica this made specifically Nicene Christianity the religion of the Roman empire
    - most of the other Christian sects lost their legal status
    - their belongings were taken by the Roman government never 2 be seen again
    Born 347 AD died 395 AD