The Influence of Sea Power Upon History
Captain Alfred Thayer Mahan, a lecturer in naval history and the president of the United States Naval War College, published The Influence of Sea Power upon History, 1660–1783, a revolutionary analysis of the importance of naval power as a factor in the rise of the British Empire. -
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Spanish American War
-Cause was the mysterious explosion of the battleship USS Maine.
-Location of Military action were Havana Harbor. Philippines & Puerto Rico.Guam
-Philippines & Guam became theres
-U.S. became world power. -
Expanding world Power
In this time period , America changes their view from internal expansion and domestic issues to becoming a global force, both economically and military. -
USS Maine
The USS Maine was sent to Cuba to protect American citizens while Cuban revolutionaries were fighting to win independence from Spain-publishers Dulitzer & Heart newspaper deliberately sensationalized the news, depicting the Spaniards as murderous & brutes in oreder to sell newspaper, having medias reaction outraged Americans & embarrassed Spain. This technique became known as Yellow Journalism. -
Theodore Roosevelt
On July 1, 1998 U.S. forces, including Teddy Roosevelt's Rough Riders, defeated greatly outnumbered Spanish forces at San Juan Hill and Kettle Hill near the Spanish stronghold of Santiago de Cuba. Theodore Roosevelt was the assistant secretary of the Navy he resigned in 1898 to organize the "Rough Riders" the first voluntary calvary in the Spanish American war. -
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Expanding World Power
In this time period, America changes their view from internal expansion and domestic issues to becoming a global force, both economically and military. -
Open Door Policy
The open door policy gave all nations equal rights when trading with China the boxer rebellion threatened the lives of foreigners living in China. An international army crushed the rebellion. -
Roosevelt Corollary
The Roosevelt
Corollary changed the Monroe Doctrine. The Monroe Doctrine blocked further expansion of Europe in the western hemisphere, the Roosevelt Corollary went one step further. Renounced interventionism and established his good neighbor policy for the western Hemisphere. -
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Dollar Diplomacy
The goal was to create stability aboard and promote American commercial interests. Another goal was to use private capital to further U.S. interest overseas. The policy evident in extensive U.S. interventions in Venezuela, Cuba, and Central America. -
Sanford B. Dole
Dole served as the first and only resident of Hawaii after he and others over threw queen Liliuokalani Grover Cleveland was the first president of the U.S. that annexed Hawaii as a state in 1889. One of Doles cousins later became the attorney general of Hawaii & another one of his cousins founded the Dole Food Company in Hawaii.