
Rise and Spread of Christianity

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    Jesus is Born

    Jesus is Born
    Jesus is born in Nazereth by Mary the virgin. Jesus was born in a stable in a manger.
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    Jesus Begins Preaching

    Jesus Begins Preaching
    Jesus began preaching with his disciples. This was the true beginning of Christianity.
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    The Crucifixion of Jesus

    The Crucifixion of Jesus
    Jesus was crucified in Jerusalem for his teachings.
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    Constantine Declares acceptance in Christianity

    Constantine Declares acceptance in Christianity
    Emperor Constantine had a dream before a battle telling him to put a sign of God on his shields. After this he converted into Christianity and declared that it was acceptable.
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    The Edict of Milan

    The Edict of Milan
    Constantine announced the Edict of Milan. In this edict, Constantine gave Christians the freedom to practice their religion openly
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    Christianity is Official

    Christianity is Official
    Emperor Theodosius makes Christianity the official religion for the Roman Empire.