Rights and Freedoms

  • Period: to

    Rights and Freedoms

  • 150th anniversary of the Landing

    150th anniversary of the Landing
    On January 26th, 1938 it was the 150th anniversary of the landing of the First Fleet in Australia. Some celebrated the event whereas for the Aborigines it was the "Day of Mourning."
  • Indigenous Austrians in WW2

    Indigenous Austrians in WW2
    At the start of the Second World War Indigenous Australians and Torres Strait Islanders were allowed to enlist and many did so. But in 1940 the Defence Committee decided the enlistment of Indigenous Australians was "neither necessary not desirable", partly because White Australians would object to serving with them. However, when Japan entered the war increased need for manpower forced the loosening of restrictions.
  • Human Rights

    Human Rights
    The UN adopts the Universal Declarations of Human Rights
  • Albert Namatjira

    Albert Namatjira
    In 1958 the Alice Springs Police charged Namatjira with supplying alcohol to Aboriginal people. He denied the charge and fought the sentence he received in both the Supreme Court and the High Court. His appeals were unsuccessful and he was sentenced to two months in prison.
  • Gurindji Strike

    The Gurindji strike (or Wave Hill Walk-Off) was a walk-off and strike by 200 Gurindji stockmen, house servants and their families in August 1966 at Wave Hill cattle station in Kalkarindji