My mother

  • My mother's birth

    My mother's birth
    My mother was born on October 8, 1970 in Bolivia, Oruro, Huanuni. is the youngest of all her sisters, her name is Ana He was born at the Santa Elena hospital
  • The first day of school

    The first day of school
    My mother started school on February 2, 1976. The school was called Pantaleon Dalence in Bolivia, Oruro, Huanuni
  • The beginning at the university

    The beginning at the university
    When my mother left school she went to university and began studying public accounting at the age of 19.
  • The first day of work

    The first day of work
    My mother found a job in a private company in Bolivia before coming to Spain the company was named "La Fancesa" in Bolivia, Sucre
  • The most important day of your entire life

    The most important day of your entire life
    When my mother came to Spain she had 2 children with my father, the eldest is called Josué and the youngest is Joel (me)