
  • when i was born

    when i came into this wolrd
  • when I got my dog princess

    when I got my dog princess
    My dog is my support dog shes my number 1 i put her first before anything and anyone
  • when i got my first phone

    i felt older
  • 4th of july

    4th of july
    when i went to sea wold for the 4th of july with my friend melody we met new people and saw fire works while on a ride we ended the night good.
  • when i joined 9th grade

    shows that im getting older and growing as a person
  • strated in mr stars class

    it was the best day ever
  • went to go see a volleyball game

    went to go see a volleyball game
    when i went to university of San Diego to go see their volleyball team. watching their team made me realize how good i can be in the future
  • winter camp

    winter camp
    My first winter camp it
  • arizona volleyball

    arizona volleyball
    When i went to arizona for volleyball because it was fun