Richard the Lionhearted

  • 1157


    Richard the Lionheart was born on September 8, 1157. His father was known as Henry II and his mother was Eleanor of Aquitaine
  • 1165


    His father visited lands from Scotland to France while Richard spent his childhood in England. His first visit to European continent was in May when his mother took him to Normandy. He was also raised by a wet nurse.
  • 1170

    Becoming a Leader

    Becoming a Leader
    Richard built a reputation as a leader and warrior from his experience in warfare from controlling rebellions in Poitou, which he got his name, Richard The Lionheart
  • Jul 4, 1189

    Battle at Ballans

    The forces of of Richard and Philip defeat Henry's (Richard's dad) army at Ballans. Henry agreed to name Richard his heir apparent
  • Jul 6, 1189

    Richard crowned king

    Richard crowned king
    When Henry II died in Chinon, Richard succeed him as king of england, Duke of Normandy, and Count of Anjou
  • 1192

    Battle of Jaffa

    Battle of Jaffa
    Richard led the third Crusade and battled Muslim warriors in Palestine
  • Apr 6, 1199

    Richard's Death

    Richard's Death
    On April 6, 1199 Richard died of Gangrene from an infected arrow wound at 41 years old