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Richard Stallman

By gviles
  • Birth

    Richard Stallman was born in New York City
  • Period: to

    Worked at MIT Lab

    Stalllman worked at a MIT Artificial Intelligence Lab for 12 years, only taking a break while attending graduate school in 1974.
  • Stallman graduated from Harvard University

    Stallman graduated from Harvard University
    Stallman attended Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts where he studied physics
  • Grad school at Massachusetts Institute of Technology

    Stallman further studied physics in grad school at MIT.
  • Wrote first extensible Emacs text editor

    Stallman wrote the first extensible Emacs text editor at the MIT in 1976.
  • GNU Operating System

    In 1983 Stallman announced his idea for a GNU Operating System that is entirely free
  • Resigned from MIT

    Stallman resigned from MIT to continue pursuing his GNU Operating System
  • Started the Free Software Foundation

    In October of 1985, Stallman created the Free Software Foundation
  • Received the National Frontier Foundation's Pioneer Award

    Stallman received the National Frontier Foundation's Pioneer Award
  • Received the Yuri Rubinsky Memorial Award

    Stallman was the recipient of the Yuri Rubinsky Memorial Award in 1999
  • Development of a free online encyclopedia

    In late 1999 Stallman advocated for the creation of a free online encyclopedia in which the public can contribute to articles
  • Wrote the book "Free Software, Free Society"

    Wrote the book "Free Software, Free Society"
    Stallman comprised a book together based off short essays on writings of his in the past
  • Partially wrote Semiautobiography: "Free as in Freedom

    Stallman collaborated with author Sam Williams to create a autobiography of his life
  • The recipient of the Fondazione Pistoletto prize

    Stallman received the Fondazione Pistoletto prize in the year 2005
  • Internet Hall of Fame

    In the year 2013, Stallman was Inducted into the Internet Hall of Fame