Richard Historical Events of Canada

  • Canada 1763-1783

    -In 1763, Ottawa warrior, pontiac, led a group of warriors and raided interior trading posts in a desprete bid to hold back European expsansion.
    -Indian territorry was set aside by george Washington as ' tempororary expedient to quiet the minds of the minds of the Indians.
    -The American Revolution ended with the treaty of Paris in 1783 which established the border between Canada and the United states.
    -It stretched from the Atlantic to lake of the woods, on what is now Manitoba-Ontario border
  • Canada-1791

    -Both Canadas would have elected assemblies, an appointed Upper House or Council and an executive, much like the British Commons,Lords and Cabinet
    -The huge influx of Loyalists changed the makeup of Quebec's population. Sir Guy Carleton, who originally brought in the quebec Act in 1774 to accommodate the French, now had to considar the substantial numbers ofBritish colonists
  • Canada-1825

    After the war of 1812, immigration to Britsh North America led to a more diversified economy, with lumbering, farming and shipbuilding growing in both the Maritimes and in the Canadas.
    -November, 1837, Louis-Joseph Papineau led a rebellion against this unfair goverment
  • Canada-1825

    November, 1837, Louis-Joseph Papineau led a rebelion against this unfair goverment structure, but the rebels were not wellorganized and were easily defeated by the british forces After 1812, immigration to Britsh North America led to a more diversified economy , with lumbering, farming and shipbuilding growing in both the Maritimes and in the Canadas.
  • Canada 1849

    Goverment passed the Rebellion Losses Bill that would compensate Lower Canadians for land lost during the Rebellions or 1837 1849- Border between Canada and the U.S., which ran along the 49th parallel, was extended to the Pacific
  • Canada 1862

    In the 1860's, colonists in the Britsh North Ameris became concerned that the united states would try to take over all or North America When the North won, fears that the Northern Army might continue to fight by invading British territory grew
  • Canada 1867

    Canads 1st Prime Minister, John A. MacDonald, purchased Rupert Land from the Hudson Bay Company in 1869 The Metis who lived in the Red River areof Rupert Land were not consluted abouit the deal.
  • Canada 1873

    1873 Prime Minister Macdonald creates the North Mounted Police to act as law enforcement for the North-West Territories. The constables of the NWMP apprehended criminals, while the officers tried them.
  • Canada 1882

    1885- the Canadian Pacific Railway was completed. The Manitoba government had replaced the dual Catholic and Protestant system with a single Protestant system which was totally against the agreement of 1870
  • Canada 1895

    In 1896, Wilfred Laurier was voted Prime Minsiter and came up with a solution to the ManitobaSchools Question. A compromise was established whereby different types of religious instruction would be available where there was a significant demand. To encourage settlement, the government began a massive advertising camaign offering free land to anyone who would clear and work it.
  • Canada 1905

    Between 1901 and 1911, Canads population increases from 5,373,315 to 7,206,643. 1912 Manitoba, Ontario and quebec expand northward. The colony of Newfoundland disputes Quebec's eastern boundry.
  • Canada 1912

    1918, Canadian parliament buildings were destroyed in a fire 1925 Canadian boundries are extended to the North Pole.
  • Cnada 1977

    1930's the Great Depression.1935-10% of Canadians were dependent on some form of financial relief 1949-Canadian Supreme Court became the final court of appeal taking over the role from the British Privy Council.
  • Canda 1999

    On April 1, 1999, Canada a new territory called Nunavut. It makes up about 1/5 of Canada with a population of approximatley 27,000 roughly 85% are Inuit. Northwest passage dispute: While Canada claims sovereignty over the northern waters, the U.S considers the route to be through international waters.