Revolutions of the XX Century

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    Russian Revolution

    The defeat of the Czar empire.
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    Mexican Revolution

    The people angry with the government start the revolution
  • Plan of San Luis

    It consist of a call to the mexican people to raise in arms, not recognizing the reelection of Diaz and that Madero will take care of the provisional presidency.
  • The Qing rulers summon Yuan Shikai

    From retirement and appoint him prime minister. Three days later they pass the ‘Nineteen Articles’, ending autocratic imperial rule.
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    Chinese Revolution

    Fall of the dynasties
  • Plan de Ayala

    A political document was written by Emiliano Zapata in which he don't recognize the government of Francisco I. Madero.
  • The Republic of China

    is officially proclaimed and Sun Yixian is sworn in as its first president.
  • Provisonal Government

    After the defeat of the czarist empire, a provisional government was set up
  • Lenin dies

    Leading to a power struggle within the party. Stalin emerges as Party leader. His rival Leon Trotsky is dismissed, then exiled and finally murdered in 1940.
  • Fidel Castro Attacks

    Fulgencio Batista was the ruler of Cuba. Fidel Castro led an uprising against him by attacking the military barracks at Santiago de Cuba.
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    Cuban Revolution

    Want freedom from United States
  • History will absolve me by Fidel Castro

    He publishes this after the argument he does for his auto defence in the judgement against him.