Revolutions of Europe

  • French revolution

    French revolution
    A combination of political, economical and social problems that have to be in the Old regime
    and related conflicts with the last quarter of the XVIII century. Also France was in a financial
    crisis and that plus the war debts.
  • Period: to

    The Assembly.

    The delegates of the bourgeoisie reunited on the 20 of June of 1789 because the king was
    threatening to dissolve the general states. The conspirators and the minority of the clerc and
    the novelty declared the National Constituent Assembly.
  • The Assembly

    The Assembly
  • Period: to

    The Convention.

    In september of 1792 the elections were taking place for the universal male suffrage and the
    appearance of a new parliament: The Convention. This caused the abolishment of the
    monarchy and the beginning of the republic.
  • Period: to

    The Directory.

    The bourgeoisie and the army finished the declaration of the republic, they canceled the
    democratic legislation, closed the clubs and patriotic societies.
  • The Directory.

    The Directory.
  • Period: to

    Napoleonic empire.

    Military dictatorship that pretended to have some of the liberalist ideas. Started in 1802 and
    ended in 1812 with the battle of Trafalgar.
  • Battle of Trafalgar

    Battle of Trafalgar
  • Naples revolution

    Naples revolution
    The Carbonari, an Italian and liberal nationalist group led by Guglielmo Pepe, who had as his objective the unification of the Italian peninsula.
  • Piedmont revolution.

    Piedmont revolution.
    The unstable situation of the Kingdom of Naples, caused the Carbonari in Piedmont to rise up.
  • Portuguese revolution.

    Portuguese revolution.
    The mercantile bourgeoisie suffered the effects of the Napoleonic invasions, the British rules and the opening of Brazilian ports to world trade.
  • Period: to

    First Period.

    The first had the most affect. In Spain, Naples and Greece.
  • Belgian revolution.

    Belgian revolution.
    Coalition of catholics and liberals proclaim independence of Belgium. They opposed the
    political system of Holland.
  • Polonian revolution.

    Polonian revolution.
    Nationalist revolt against the oppression of Russia and a later Tsarist repression
  • Period: to

    Second period.

    The overthrowing of the Bourbons in France, harmed Belgium, Polony, Switzerland, Italy and Germany
  • The second French revolution.

    The second French revolution.
    It was caused by the economic crisis due to poor harvests, especially potatoes, a staple food for the popular classes.
  • Period: to

    Third Period.

    This period, usually called “Village Spring '' was the longest. It affected the majority of the “Old Continent”. During this time, there was the exaltation of nationalism, democratic ideas and the beginning moviment.