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Revolutions in history

  • American Revolution

  • Lexington and Concord

    Lexington and Concord
    The shot heard around the world
  • French Revolution

  • Public beheadings, a common place in the revolution

    Public beheadings, a common place in the revolution
    People were also required to publically announce who their friends were, even if they didn't have any and the calendar was revised with completely new months, you know just because why not?
  • Haitian Revolution

  • Haitian Revolution picture- I'd assume a novel cover

    Haitian Revolution picture- I'd assume a novel cover
  • Latin American Revolutions

    1810-1825 (since it isn't just one Revolution i don't really have an official start date)
  • Simon Bolivar (Latin American revolutions)

    Simon Bolivar (Latin American revolutions)
    pretty stylish hair if I do say so myself
  • Summary

    Revolution, based off of Englightenment, served to grant individuals rights. Although equality wasn't reached and still hasn't been, it created a starting point to progress forwards with. Revolution has served to topple tyranny and grant some freedom, being a net gain to humanity.