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Revolutionary War Timeline- Tigerlily

  • Boston

    The British retreated from Boston
  • Period: to

    General William Howe and Admiral Richard Howe

    General William Howe and Admiral Richard Howe joined forces and sailed into New York harbor with the largest British force of 32,000 soldiers.
  • New York

    Battle for New York ended with America retreating
  • Period: to

    British and Washingtons army

    British pushed Washington's army across the Delaware River to Pennsylvania
  • Battle of Trenton

    George Washington led 2,400 in small rowboats across Delaware River and had a sneak attack on the British and won.
  • Period: to

    General Howe

    General Howe began his campaign to seize the American capitol at Philadelphia and they did.
  • Saratoga

    American troops surrounded Burgoyne at Saratoga (to General Gates)
  • Period: to

    Valley Forge

    Valley Forge served as a site for the continental army and was a low point for George Washington and his troops.
    Picture in the link below:
  • Alliance

    French recognized American independence and signed an alliance with America.
  • Americans transformation

    Americans began to transform into a good army because of Friendrich Von Steubon, around the same time, Marquis de Lafeyette joined Washington's staff.
  • Period: to

    British military strategy

    The Britaih changed their military strategy and they began to shift operations to the South.
  • Period: to

    Savannah, Georgia

    The British took Savannah, Georgia
  • Period: to

    Royal Governer

    The Royal Governor commanded Georgia once again
  • Charlestown

    British captured Charlestown, South Carolina and marched 5,500 American soldiers as prisoners of war.
  • Unknown Date

    General Henry sailed South with 8,500 men
  • Period: to

    Unknown Date

    Robert Morris and Hahn Solomon begged and borrowed person credit to raise money to provide salaries for the Continenal Army.
  • Continental Army

    Continental Army forced the British to surrender.
  • Cornwallis

    Cornwallis attacked Greene a Gulford Court Howe, North Carolina and Cornwallis won.
  • Letter

    Greene asked Lafayette fro help
  • Specie

    Troops were finally paid in specie, or gold coin.
  • White flag

    Cornwallis raised the white flags surrendered to Lafayette
  • Battle of Yorktown

    Battle of Yorktown
    Colonel William watched the British surrendered near Yorktown
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris is signed which confirmed the U.S. independance
  • Slavery

    Many northern states had taken steps to outlaw slavery
  • French Army (unknown date)

    French army of 6,000 landed in Newpoint, Rhode Island
  • (No Date) Peace Talks

    Peace talks begin in Paris and 4 representatives of United States, France, Spain, and Great Britain join to negotiate.
  • (No known date) Delaware to Pennsylvania

    British pushed Washington's army across the Delaware River to Pennsylvania.