Revolutionary War Timeline Project

  • Colonists organize an army

    Colonists organize an army
    The second Continental Congress decided to form an official army while they were in Philidelphia. It was John Adams idea to form the army, and he suggested George Washington lead the army. The Continental Army was made up of people from all of the colonies joined together. -The troops who served in the Revolutionary Army were volunteers. Although they were paid, the Americans were generally motivated by their Patriotism.
  • Washington takes command of the army

    Washington takes command of the army
    George Washington was chosen to lead the army because of his experience and expertise. When he took command of the army, he found that there was not nearly enough gunpowder or artillery. The soldiers were all inexperienced as well. He quickly realized, that it would be a hard battle to win.
    • Starting during the winter of 1777 in Morristown, New Jersey, Washington wanted his soldiers be cleansed from the smallpox infection using a technique called variolation.
  • Battle of Bunker Hill

    Battle of Bunker Hill
    The Battle of Bunker Hill was a very bloody battle that took place in Massachusetts. The British took the win, but they suffered a vast amount of losses. The Americans didn't count it as a loss because they still greatly wounded the British army. -Over 1,000 bodies from the battle are buried inside Old North Church.
  • Olive Branch Petition

    Olive Branch Petition
    The Olive Branch Petition was a document sent to King George from the Second Continental Congress. It was the colonies last attempt to try and end the disagreements between them and the British peacefully. The King did not comply with their requests and the colonists were ready to revolt. -"It is now become the part of wisdom, and of clemency, to put a speedy end to these disorders by the most decisive exertions." -response to petition by King George.
  • British abandon Boston

    British abandon Boston
    When George Washington became the army commander, there was not enough gunpowder or artillery. He would need to find more creative ways to win battles. He sent Henry Knox to Fort Ticonderoga to bring cannons to Boston. Washington surrounded Boston with the cannons, and the British abandoned the city.
    • General Washington sent Henry Knox to Crown Point and Fort Ticonderoga in northern New York to take fifty-nine cannon and mortars and bring them back to Boston.
  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
    The Declaration of independence was a document written by Thomas Jefferson. It explained why the colonies were parting from great Britain, and it gave a list of reasons why king George was an unsuitable ruler for the colonies. It was signed bt 56 delegates on July 4, 1776.
  • Comparison of American and British armies

    Comparison of American and British armies
    The British soldiers were trained for war. They had all the supplies they needed unlike the American soldiers. The American soldiers didn't have any experience with fighting, or near enough supplies. The British also had a disadvantage in the distance between Britain and America. It took a while to send over supplies and troops while as the Americans were already at the fight. -The Hessians provided over 30,000 troops for the British, or 1/4 of their army
    -America had no allies in the beginning
  • American defeat in Brooklyn, New York

    American defeat in Brooklyn, New York
    On August 22, General Howe and his army landed on Long island. They were hoping to capture New York City and take over the Hudson river. On August 27, the British troops marched against the Patriots, and George Washington ordered a retreat the saved hundreds of lives. The British took control of New York.
  • Victory in Trenton

    Victory in Trenton
    Took place in Trenton, New Jersey. George Washington lead a surprise attack across the Delaware River and captured 868 Hessian Soldiers without losing one man on either side. The Patriots hope returned when they heard of this news.
  • Battle in Saratoga Springs

    Battle in Saratoga Springs
    Took place in Saratoga County, New York. The American troops defeat the British soldiers lead by General John Burgoyne. This proves to the world that Americans stood a chance against the British forces.
  • Winter at Valley Forge

    Winter at Valley Forge
    The Continental Army set up camp at Valley Forge, Pennsylvania for the winter because the British army still occupied Philidelphia and Boston. Some military training was able to happen, but the winter was very brutal. Ended at the Beginning of March in 1778.
  • Battle of Monmouth

    Battle of Monmouth
    Took place in Monmouth county, New Jersey. The British Army retreated back to New York, marking the end of war in the North. American Army included 11,000 men, and British included 14,000-15,000.
  • War Moves to the Southern Region

    War Moves to the Southern Region
    After the Battle of Monmouth, the fighting moved South and all major battles from that point on took place in the Southern Region. Allowed American troops to leave colder weather. Started nearing the middle of the Summer of 1778.
  • Cornwallis Surrenders

    Cornwallis Surrenders
    After being forced to surrender, general of the British forces in the South, Cornwallis, pretends to be sick to avoid the surrender ceremony. He then received the nickname Cornwallis the coward. Took place right after the Battle of Yorktown.
  • American Trap at Yorktown

    American Trap at Yorktown
    General Washington and the aid from the French set a trap around the British forces, closing off the Chesapeake Bay to their navy and forcing them on land. The British were forced to surrender. This victory would not have occurred if not for help from the French, and their especially strong navy.
  • Signing of the Treaty of Paris

    Signing of the Treaty of Paris
    Representatives from the United States and Britain met in Paris, France to sign establish and sign a peace treaty, which included the following;
    -The United States would bee recognized as an independent nation.
    -Britain gave up claim on land between the Atlantic Ocean and the Mississippi River, and the border of the Canada to the southern tip of Florida.
    -All loyalists' properties would be returned.