Boston massacre

Revolutionary War Timeline Nicole Martin

  • French secretly started sending Americans supplies

  • British retreat from Boston

  • British General and Admiral Howe join forces on Staten Island

  • George Washington's men run away and he loses New York

  • British push George Washington across the Delaware river into Pennsilvania

  • George Washington crosses the Delaware River to Trenton New Jersey

    George Washington crosses the Delaware River to Trenton New Jersey
  • George Washington and his men launch a sneak attack on British soldiers in Trenton

  • Americans win against British in Princeton

  • British Troops lead by General Howe take Pennsilvania

  • American General Gates wins against British General Burgoyne at Saratoga

  • Period: to

    Winter at Valley Forge

  • France and Americans signed an alliance

  • Prussian General Friedrich Von Steuben trains Washington's militia into soldiers

    Prussian General Friedrich Von Steuben trains Washington's militia into soldiers
    'To make regular soldiers out of country bumpkins" -Friedrich Von Steuben
  • British move south to gain loyalist support

  • British took control of Savannah, Georgia

  • Marquis De Lafayette joins George Washington's staff and helps get the French to continue giving supplies to American troops

  • A Royal Governor commands Georgia

  • British Generals Clinton and Cornwallis capture Charles Town, South Carolina

  • French Army landed in Newport, Rhode Island

  • Cornwallis's army takes Camden, South Carolina

  • British try to advance to North Carolina but are stopped by Patriots and are forced back to South Carolina

  • Congress makes Philadelphian merchant Robert Morris superintendent of finance

  • American Generals Morgan and Greene forced red coats to surrender at Cowpens, South Carolina

  • Cornwallis attacks Greene at Guildford Court House and wins but loses a lot of men

  • Nathanael Greene sends a letter to Lafayette asking for help

  • American troops were finally paid

  • The nations Signed the Treaty of Paris

  • Cornwallis raises the white flag of surrender

    Cornwallis raises the white flag of surrender
  • British General Cornwallis surrenders at Yorktown

  • The nations America, France, Great Britain, and Spain meet in Paris to negotiate