The Battle of Concord
The British marched onto Concord, where they found an empty arsenal, so they prepared to march back to Boston. Between 3,000 to 4,000 miuntemen had already been assembled and began to fire at the Brits. Dozens of British soldiers were killed and wounded. Colonists won this battle. -
The Battle of Lexington
The redcoats were sent to Lexington, Massachusetts. Eight minutemen were killed and ten were wounded. This was the first battle of the Revolutionary war and only lasted 15 minutes. The British won. -
Battle of Bunker Hill
British General Gage sent 2,400 soldiers up the hill. The colonist lost 450 men and the British suffered over 1,000 casualties. This battle was the deadliest battle of The American Revolutionary War. -
New York
The British sailed into New York with about 32,000 soldiers in attemt to seize New York City. This was apart of the plan to stop the rebellion by isolating New England. -
George Washington led 2,400 men in small rowboats across the ice-choked Delaware River. Then they marched to Trenton, New Jersey, and defeated garrison of Hessians in a suprise attack. -
The British captured the American capital at Philadelphia, PA. -
The American troops surrendered General John Burgoyne at Saratoga. This surrender was one of the most important evants of the Revolutionary War. The Saratoga victory made France believe that the Americans could win the war, so as a result the French signed an alliance with the Americans In February 1778, and joined them in battle. -
Valley Forge
(The date was not december 15 but it does not say it in the text and this website isn't letting me just put the year)
George Washington and his army fought to survive winter in Valley Forge, Pennsylvania. They were desperatly low on food and suplies. More than 2,000 soldiers died, yet the survivers did not leave. -
Marquis De Lafayette
He seeked to influence France for French reinforcements. He also led a command in Virginia in the last few years of the Revolutionary War. The continental army became a strong force with the help of European military leaders. -
Britsh General Charles Cornwallis led his army of 7,500 onto the peninsula between James and York rivers and camped at Yorktown. His plan was to make Yorktown stronger, take Virginia and then join Clinton's forces up north. -
Treat of Paris
The Treaty of Paris was signed by John Adams, John Jay of New York, and Benjamin Franklin. This Treaty confirmed U.S independance and set boundaries of the new nation. The U.S expanded from the Atlantic Ocean to the Mississippi River, and from Canada to the Florida border.