
Revolutionary War Timeline

  • Concord

    Paul Revere, William Dawes, and Sammuel Prescott went and told that 700 British troops were heading to concord
  • Philadelphia

    The colonial leaders in philadelphia went to debate to see what they were going to do next. Some of them wanted independence and the others wanted to be friends again with Great Britain.
  • The battle of Bunker hill

    Thomas Gage wanted to hit the militiamen. He then sent 2,400 british soldiers but the colonists kept firing until the end. and then they began to cut down the advancing redcoats before they left. but the had lost 450 men and british jad over 1,00 deaths and injures
  • New York

    to stop the rebellion by issolating new england , the British fastly try to force in New York. The bristish sailed to New york with 32,000 soldiers
  • declairing independence

    The colonists convince each colony to have their own government
  • Trenton

    Washington led 2,400 to march to the people in trenton, new jersey and defeated the troops of Hessians in a surprise attack.
  • Saragota

    Saragota is where they surounded burgoyne
  • Marquis De Lafayette

    offer his help to train the army.
  • Valley Forge

    they were low in food and supplies so fought to stay a live
  • YorkTown

    The british general led his army of 7,500 to live in york town
  • Treaty of paris

    They started to talk about peace in Paris then in September of 1783 the delegates signed the peace treaty which confirmed U.S indpendece and a new nation