The French secretly sent weapons and supplies to the American army.
Period: to
Revolutionary War
The British left Boston, moving the war to the middle states.
General William Howe and Richard Howe joined forces and sailed into New York Harbor with 32,000 soldiers.
General William Howe and Richard Howe joined forces and sailed into New York Harbor with 32,000 soldiers.
The British and the Continetal Army war in New York ended with a "chaotic withdrawal" by Washington's troops.
Britsh pushed Washington's army across the Deleware River into Pennsylvania.
Late at night, Washinton led 2,400 men in rowboats across the Deleware River in prepare of a suprise attack.
Around 8 am, Washington and his men marched nine miles through the snow to arrive in Trenton, New Jersey. The Americans killed 30 men, took 918 captive, and stole six Hessian cannons all in one successful suprise attack.
Washington's men's term of enlistment would end, allowing a large group of his army to return home. He needed all the victories he could take to keep the men from going back home.
General Howe started a campaign to seize the American capital in Philidelphia.
American troops surrounded Burgoyne in Saratoga, forcing him to surrender his troops to General Gates.
Valley Forge served as the site of the Continentals Army's camp throughout the winter of 1777-1778.
The French signed an alliance with the Americans. France agreed not to make peace with the British unless they recognized America's indepedence.
Fredrich von Steuben volunteered his services to George Washington, and taught the soldiers very useful information that recreated them into strong, intelligent soldiers.
british shifted their operations to the South, after a tough lass at Saratoga.
British expedition took over Savannah, Georgia.
Lafayette joined Washington and his troops (lobbying for French reinforcements, leading a command, and sufferred through the misery of Valley Forge).
A royal govener commanded Georgia.
General Hillary Clinton along with Charles Cornwallis sailed south with 8,500 men.
British captured Charles Town, South Carolina along with marching off 5,500 American soldiers as prisoners.
Cornwallis's army smashed American forces at Camden, South Carolina.
A French army landed in Newport, Rhode Island, after the British left refocusing on the South.
Nathaniel Greene's forces met in Cowpens, South Carolina, fighting against the British (who thought The Continental Army would be outnumbered) and forced them to surrender.
Cornwallis attacked Greene at Guilford House, North Carolina. Cornwallis won, but lost 1/4 of his troops.
Greene wrote a letter to Lafayette asking for help, because he feared the fight ofr the South.
Congress made Robert Morris, a merchant from Philidelphia the superintendent of finance.
Troops were paid in gold coins from the help of Robert Morris and Haym Salomon (political refugee from Poland, Moriss' associate).
Cornwallis raised the white flag of surrender.
American and French armies stood in Yorktown to see the British surrender. This was the ned of the American Revolution, and America won!
The British surrendered. General Charles O'Hara repersented Cornawallis and handed over his sword, and the British put down their arms.
The delegates signed the Treaty of Paris, confirming U.S independence, and set the boundaries of the new nation.