Revolutionary War Timeline

  • End of Seven Years WAr

  • Passage of Stamp Act

  • British Troops Occupy Boston

  • Committees of Correspondence established

  • Period: to

    Britian tries to intimidate Massachusetts

  • War breaks out

  • Americans hold their own at the Battle of Bunker Hill

  • British form an alliance with Patriots' slaves

  • Loyalists defeated at Moores Creak

  • South Carolinians repel British attempt to take Charleston

  • America declares its indepencence

  • Period: to

    Washington crosses the Delaware

  • Big British setback at Saratoga

  • Winter of change for the Continental Army

  • France enters the war against Britain

  • Period: to

    George Rpgers Clark attacks the British in Ohio country

  • Charleston falls to the British

  • KIngs Mountaun victory revives patriot hopes

  • The American tide continues at the Cowpens

  • Costly British victory at Guilford Courthouse

  • Period: to

    Lonest siege of the war at NInety Six

  • Large British army surrenders at Yorktown

  • Loyalists leave America

  • Treaty of Paris officially ends state of war

  • American victory pushes Inidans farther west

  • U.S. Constitution replaces the Articles of Confederation