Revolutionary war timeline

  • Stamp Act

    Fourth stamp act passed by the parliament of great Britain.The act required all legal documents, permits, commercial contracts, newspapers, wills, pamphlets, and playing cards in the American colonies to have a tax stamp.
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    It was the first act of violence leading to the Revolutionary war.
  • Tea Act

    An act to make the growing of tea plants less, and make it more in East India, and then they would export it to us.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Because people were mad, about the teas act, one night they went out on one of the export boats that had arrived and they dumped lots of tea, causing the exporters to lose money.
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    Intolerable Acts

    Many acts that were placed upon by the British
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    First Continental Congress

    Delegates from each colony met together to show to the British that they were in unity. Though,They did not completely agree about everything.
  • Battle of Lexington and Concord

    Redcoats came to get rid of the patriot weapons and arrest Samuel Adams and John Hancock. Paul Revere came and warned them so they escaped, causing minutemen to go out to battle with the redcoats.
  • Battle of Bunker Hill

    A battle that was an important realization for both sides of the war. It was one by the colonials.
  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
  • Battle of Saratoga

    Another big battle, that was a great win for the colonist.
  • Valley Forge/Battle of Cowpens

    Valley Forge/Battle of Cowpens
    The Battle of Cowpens was a decisive victory by American Revolutionary forces under Brigadier General Daniel Morgan, in the Southern campaign of the American Revolutionary War. It was a turning point in the reconquest of South Carolina from the British.
  • Articles of Confederation

    The articles became opperative.
  • Yorktown/Treaty of Paris

    In a stunning reversal of fortune that may signal the end of fighting in the American colonies, Charles Lord Cornwallis today signed orders surrendering his British Army to a combined French and American force outside the Virginia tobacco port of Yorktown.