The Second Continental Congress
The Second Continental Congress was a convention that was made up of delegates form each of th4e 13 colonies that happened in Philadelphia. The first time they met happened right after the start of the American Revolutionary War was the continuation fo the First Continental Congress. Some of the delegates that attended included Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, and Benjamin Frankin. This Congress ended up starting the Continental Army which was made up of men from the Boston militia units. -
Battle of Lexington and Concord
This battle kick started the Revolutionary War when Britains General sent out regiments of British soldiers. SOme of them were ordered to go to Lexington and when they were there they captured John Hancock and Sam Adams. The other soldiers were sent to Concord to steel gunpowder. There general's plan wwasn't a suprise to the Americans because they had spies on the inside that already knew of the general's plan. Men then rode through the countryside to warn others that the British were coming. -
The Battle of Bunker Hill
This battle was one that America lost it had an affect on our country but also affefcted the British. The colonial army put a big damper in the British and caused many casualties on their side. After learning that the British had a plan to invade the colonies in Boston they prepared for them to hit hard. Colonel Prescott didn't provide the soldiers with a lot of ammunition because he didn't want them to fire until they could see th4e whites of their eyes. Once they could the British retreated. -
Olive Branch Petition
This petition was the final attempt by the colonists to try adn avoid going to war against the British during the American Revolution. In this document the colonist pledged at made their loyalty to the crown and wanted to make known of their rights as British citizens. Eventually Congress adopted this and the first draft was written by Thomas Jefferson but it wasn't finalized and the official writer of it was John DIckinson. This petition was meant to appeal to King George III and prevent a war. -
George Washington
George Washington was involved in the governemnt of America from 1732 to 1799 and was a big part of the whole Revolutionary War. He was the president the entire War and played a big role as the commander- and-cheif of the American army at the time. He also led the colonial forces to a win over the British and then became a national hero. He also served in both Continental Congresses and helped with the Declaration of Independence because he made the order for the members to meet. -
Thomas Jefferson
He like Washington was present and important for a big part of the Revolutionary War and was there for the whole thing. He was one of the main writers of the Declaration of Independence and was one of the ones that started the whole idea of it. Jefferson was also a member of the 1st and 2nd Continental Congress and was involved in many political events during the Revolutionary War. -
John Locke
John Locke was a very well known philosopher at the time and he was the one that came up with our natural rights in the declaration of Independence. He claimed our God given rights were the right to life, liberty, and property and that all men are created equal. His words were later changed to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness by Thomas Jefferson. A lot of what was written in the DOI was taken from works of John Locke, like the Social COntract which gave us our political rights. -
The Declaration of Independence
The declaration of Independence plays a huge role in our country during the time of the American Revolutionary War. Considering once we gained our independence from France and Britain this document was was gave it to us. It was written and signed by many philosophers and important political figures during the time including Thomas Jefferson, John Adams and Benjamin Franklin. This gave our country its freedom and indpendence and gave us our rights as people. -
Battle of Trenton
AFter the many defeats in New York city Washingotn decided to take his men in an keep them away from the scene of anothe battle. COnsidering the British retreated and decide to head to theur winter quarters and would hope that as time went on the rebellion would eventually end, But at some point Washington decided to stun the British and planned a time to capture their supplies and bring up the moral of America. -
Valley Forge (1777-1778)
Valley Forge is where Washington and his army stayed throughout the winter of 1777 and 1778 and this is where he worked to strengthen the COntinental Army and make it stronger and was a big turning point in the Revolution. -
Battle of Saratoga
This was considered a major turning point for the COntinental Army because the Continental Army was in a way beated down by the British aand thus retreated and became cut off from the New England Colonies and the British were trying to stop all of the rebellion.They were also trying to take away some of Americas possible allies from joining into the fights. There were 2 main battles in this and both hit hard on the Continental Army and questioned the future of it. -
Even though Spain isn't mentioned very much they were involved a lot with the Americans because they helped them with supplies and and resources that they supplied to the soldiers along with other materials. Spain's military forces also helped in the overall defeat over the British because they won in many battles against them. -
France (Treaty of Amity and Commerce)
For both the Treaty of Amity and Commerce and the Treaty of Alliance in Paris US representatives came and signed on both of these. The Treaty of Amity and Commerce encouraged trade between -
French and English Enlightenment
The Enlightenment was a time when philosphers and aa time of new beginnings was happening. Many things involving religion and non religious things occured along with the debate of the seperation fo church and state. This also gave the English and the French new perspectives on what was happening and on our natural rights. -
Battle Of Yorktown
This was when the British surrendered to George Washington and his men. Ths was a big deal and was way more than just a win for the Continental Army but this was the last battle and the conclusion of the final battle of the American Revolutionary War. -
Battle of Cowpens
This battle occured in South Carolina and the Amrican armies caused many casualties for the british and their soldiers. This battle was considered a turnign point on the wars campaign dealing with the South. Related to this the Southern Campaign put into work the seperaation of troops among the Carolinas and this strengthened their odds with the British because now they could go at them from different points and areas. -
Treaty of Paris 1783
This is what eventually ended the American Revolutionary War. John Adams, John Jay and Benjamin Franklin were the ones that negotiated the treaty with the King himself.