Period: to
Revolutionary War 1775 - 1783
Fort Ticonderoga - A month after the Fighting at Lexington and Concord
Lexington and Concord, the americans capture the fort under the lead of Ethan Allen. They catpured 60 cannons/morders that would later be used to forece the british out of Bosten. -
Bunker Hill - 1,400 Americans hold 2,500 British troops for 2 bayonette charges
for 2 bayonette charges. Americans eventuly loss the hill but, lose much less casulitys. -
Trenton and Princeton - The Americans surprise
attacked a Hassian Bergade, captureing 900 men and 1,200 weapons. a few days later they won a battle with the British, and Princton, New Jersey -
Flag Resolution
No one knows who truely made the first American Flag in the standered Red,White, and Blue format that there is today. The Flag Resolution is celibrated on June, 14 ( Flag day) baised off of a false event where a new flag was hoisted in June of 1777 -
Lafayette arives in Phili
The French Joined the war.
Mutiny of unpaid Pennsylvania soldiers
As a resolt of not gitting paid 1,500 Pennsylvanian troops (11 regimints) mutinied and martched to congress. The problem was resolved and the whole thing was smoothed over. 200 troops from New Jersey tryed to follow suit by starting their own mutiny but this attempt failed horribly and 2 of the mutinier leaders where exicuted. -
Yorktown - British surrendered 8.000 men.
British surrender 8.000 men.