Vally forge
Thw battle was fought in 177 on Pennsylvani. The battle was commanded by General Washington. 10,000 men from the american side fought 15,000 from the British side -
Battle of Lexignton
The Lexington battle was the first battle of the revolutionary war. 700 British soldiers fought colonist. The farmers suprently won. -
Bunker hill
The bunker battle was fought in Massachusets.The British wanted to catch Bunker hill because it will give them complete control of the Boston Harbor.The British won the battle -
The war is not going to well for the colonist. General washigton decided thath the best day to attack will be on christmast day because it was really uncommon for battle to be fought those types of days. The battle only last 1 hour, General Washigton won. -
Battle of saratoga
The battle of saratoga convince the french to join the American side.The french government help funuculy the coloniscause. The french help the colonist to win he revolutionary war. -
Washignton was commanding a group of 1700 men against 9,000 british troop in Virginia. The Yorktown was the most important battle. Corn waillis surrended to Washignton in October 17, 1781 ending the war. -
Treaty of Paris
The treaty of Paris was sign on septiember 3, 1783 from kign Gorge's representives and representives from United States. The treaty of paris ended the revolutionary war. Alto it made the United States a independent country. -
Battle of new york
On augest 22 a large army landed in New York, hoping to control the city. General Washington lost 1,000 of his silders while General Willian lost 4,000. The British won and capture the city.