Revolutionary War Timeline

  • The Battle of Lexington

    The battle of Lexington was the first battle of the Revolutionary. the reason why this battle broke out was due to word being spread that 700 British troops were headed to Concord but they were met by 70 minutemen.The British ordered them to put down their weapons but they just moved without putting their weapon down and someone fired which resulted in a 15 minute battle.
  • The Battle Of Concord

    after their encounter with the minutemen, the British troop were ready to march back to Boston but not all of the soldiers returned to Boston, man of them fell at the hands of the minutemen/colonist.
  • The Battle of Bunker Hill

    The battle of Bunker hill is proving to be the deadliest battle of the war.The British general send 2,400 of his soldiers to breed hills where they attacked the colonist.
  • New York

    The British attempted to seize New York as a plan to stop the rebellion, but they did not sailed to New York alone, they brought with them thousands of hessians.
  • Trenton

    George Washington led 2,400 soilders across the Delaware river and marched into Trenton where they defeated Hessians in a surprise attack
  • Philadelphia

    After the surprise attack the British troop suffer in 1776, they went on and captured the american capital at Philadelphia. due to some British troops being in Philadelphia they weren't able to go help out general John Burgoyne in Saratoga.
  • Saratoga

    Saratoga is where British general John Burgoyne surrender to the american troops once he realized that his fellow officers weren't going to come.
  • Valley Forge

    George Washington and his army stayed at winter camps in Valley forge, where more than 2,000 soldiers died due to the lack of food and supplies.
  • Marquis de Lafayette

    Marquis de Lafayette was a foreign military leaders that offered their help. Due to the help of this military leaders, the continental army became an effective fighting force.
  • Yorktown

    A British general Charles Cornwallis led his army to settle down in Yorktown, but once the French and American troops found out about this, they also also moved to Yorktown and surrounded the British troops.On October 19,1781, general Charles Cornwallis surrendered.
  • Treaty of paris

    the Treaty of paris is what confirmed the united States independence and set boundaries of the new nation. The people who represented america was John adams, John jay and Benjamin Franklin.