
Audrey Milburn-Revolutionary War Timeline

  • Battle of Lexington and Concord

    Battle of Lexington and Concord
    In the Battle of Lexington and Concord there were the British troops against the Militia of Massachusetts. The Battle was fought in Boston Massachusetts.In this war the soldiers used muskets, boyonets, and other light funs as weapons. General Gage also sent a force to take concord weapons.
  • Battle of Bunker Hill

    The Battle of Bunker Hill was on June 17, 1776. During the Battle of Bunker Hill was the death of General Warren which was the General for the Americans. This Battle was the British against the Americans and was fought on the peninsula of Charlestown. The British had 2,400 British troops and the American's had 1,500 soldiers. The British won the battle of Bunker Hill.
  • Battl of Long Island

    Battl of Long Island
    On August 27 of 1776 was the Battle of Long Island. In this Battle the British and American fought against one another. The British fought with 20,000 soldiers. The Americans fought with 10,000 soldiers.The Generals of the enemies were Major General William as the British General and George Washington was the American General. This battle was fought in New York where the British took the victory win.
  • Battle of Trenton and Princeton

    Battle of Trenton and Princeton
    On December 16 of 1776 was the battle of Trenton. On January 3rd of 1777 was the Battle of Princeton. These two battles were during the holidays as the Americans crossed the icy delaware. In this Battle the Americans won with the help of their General George Washington also bringing victory at the second battle as well.
  • Battle of Saratoga

    Battle of Saratoga
    On October 17 of 1777 the Americans and Germans fought in the Battle of Saratoga. The Americans had 12-14,000 troops in the militia. The Germans had many others that joined their army and had 5,000 troops from Britain, Brunswickers, Canadians, and Indians. The Americans won this battle by forcing the Germans and others to surrender.
  • Battle of Vincennes

    Battle of Vincennes
    In the Battle of Vincennes Indiana and British fought towards one another. During this battle, each side had their commanders. Indiana had Commander George Rogers and the British had Govenor Henry Hamilton. The Battle of Vincennes was fought in Ft. Sackville where Indiana brough America victory yet again.
  • Battle of Bohomme Richard vs. Serapis

    On September 23 of 1779 Bohomme Richard challenged Serapis to battle on the Eastern Coast of England on each of the ships. The Commander John Paul Jones won the battle on the Bohomme Richard against the Serapis.
  • Battle of Charlestown

    During the Battle of Charleston British were fighting against the American's. The Battle was in teh Capital of South Carolina. The General was Lieutenant General Sir Henry Clinton ther was also Major General Lord Cornwallis as his deputy in kthe British army. The British wore the same kind of attire the American's actually wore nice brown and blue uniforms while their militia wore rough clothing. The British won the battle by capturing Charleston.
  • Battle of Guilford Courthouse

    On March 15 of 1781 was the Battle of Guilford Courthouse. This Battle was fought by the British against the Americans. with them was Major General Nathanial Greene. In the Battle there were 1900 British soldiers and 4400 American soldiers and the British still won.
  • Battle of Yorktown

    Battle of Yorktown
    On September 28 of 1781 the Americans and French fought together against the British and Germans in the Battle of Yorktown In Virginia. Each side had a commander, for the Americans, they had General Washington, The British had Majot General Lord Cornwallis. There were 8,800 American troops, 7,800 French troops with 6,000 British and German troops wich is a huge number difference. The American and French won the battle In Virginia.