Revolutionary War Timeline

  • Period: to

    French and English Enlightenment

    The ideas of liberty, equality, and justice that came from these Enlightenment influence the Revolution. Some notable philsophers were John Locke, Thomas Paine, Fredick the Great, and Thomas Jefferson. Jefferson would write the Declaration of Independence which declared America's independence from Britian.
  • John Locke (Social Contract and Natural Rights)

    John Locke's ideals of Natural Rights were life, liberty, and property. His Social Contract siad that all men were naturally free and equal. Thomas Jefferson took inspiration from these when writing the Declaration of Independence.
  • George Washington

    George Washington was the commander in chief of the Contential Army during the American Revolution. He also served and led the First and Second Continental Congress and this is why he became the commander in chief. He led the inexperienced and unpepared army to eventual victory with the help of the French over Britian. He would also become the first president of America.
  • Thomas Jefferson

    Thomas Jefferson was the third person of America, served on the Continental Congress, and U.S. minister to France. He served as a U.S. minster to France during the American Revolution. He also declared the colonies indepndence by writing the Declaration of Independence.
  • Lexington & Concord

    This was the first battles of the American Revolution. The battles started because British troops were sent to Lexington to captured rebel leaders and Concord to wipe out the arms and ammunition stored there. The British won these battles but it showed them that American was willing to fight for their freedom.
  • Second Continental Congress

    The Second Continental Congress took the place the first which lasted from Septmber-October 1774. It was America's intial genuine attempt of a representative government for themselves. This was a very risky thing to establish because it was progressive for its time. This Congress was the one to declare independence from Britian in the form of the Declaration of Independence.
  • Bunker Hill

    This battle happened early in the Revolutionary War and was the first planned battle. The British invaded the hills surrounding Boston and the Americans built forts atopof Breed's Hill to look out on the British. This battle was won by the British but boosted the spirites of the Americans and showed the British that this was not going to be a short and painless affair.
  • Olive Branch Petition

    The Olive Branch Petition was adopted by the Second Continental Congress on July 5,1775 and signed three days later. It intended to stop the Britsh and colonial conflict before it spiralled into a full on war. This last resort was directed toward King George III who refused to accept them. This fueled some colonists to push harded for independence. The king declared a Proclamation of Rebellion which essentailly said the colonies were rebelling and shot down the idea of reconciliation.
  • Declaration of Independence

    The Declaration of Indpendence laid out why the colonist wanted independence and cut all ties with Britian. It established America as a new country, tried to gain foreign allies, and to brought together the troops.
  • Trenton

    The battle of Trenton was fought between the German under British employment and the Americans. Washington led the troops to victory for the first time against a regular army in the field. It was an important victory for the Americans becuase it boosted tehir confidence and resulted in new enlistments as well as reenlistments.
  • Princeton

    The Battle of Princeton was won by the Americans under Washington's command. The British troops were sent to try to stop Washington from fleeing and when they were confronted by the Americans they basically gave up control of New Jersey. They decided to focus on placing their troops in other places instead of trying to get control back over New Jersey. This battle like many others boosted the morale of the Continental Army.
  • Saratoga

    The Battles of Saratoga were military conflicts that spanned about a month. The Battle of Saratoga ended with the surrender of British troops and the clearest American victory of the war. It led to the Dutch, French, and Spanish to help the Americans fight agaisnt the common enemy. It is with the help of the French that they gained because of these battles that the Americans would win the Battle of Yorktown and eventually the war.
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    Valley Forge

    This camp/battle lasted six months and served as a unification for the troops. This strengthened the army and trained them to become better equipt to fight the British. It also boosted their spirits and led them to eventual victory.
  • France (Treaty of Amity & Commerce, Treaty of Alliance)

    The Treaty of Amity and Commerce acknowledged America as it's own nation and encouraged trade with it. The Treaty of Alliance established the military alliance with America to aid them in the war against Britian. The French were a vital ally to America and really helped them win the war.
  • Spain

    Spain wanted to help the French and Americans win against the British because the British had taken their colonial land. They assisted them by providing supplies and military forces. They aided in some crucial victories agaisnt the British and therefore the ultimate defeat of the British.
  • Cowpens

    The Battle was the first victory for America that they had a similar playing field. They proved that they could win without assitance from the land or from taking the British by suprise. It signifcantky increased the morale of the Americans and they later that year went on to defeat the British in the last major battle.
  • Yorktown

    The battle of Yorktowwn was the last major battle of the war. The British surrendered and had had no chance of victory. America won this battle which for the most part ended the Revolutionary War.
  • Treaty of Paris 1783

    The Treaty of Paris officially ended the Revolutionary War and granted America it's independence. It also granted America land west and resolved other territorial and economical issues between the British and Americans. It was signed by King George III of Britian as well as American respresentatives.