The Revolution of America

  • Lexington & Concord

    Who- Paul Revere, William Dawes, General Thomas Gage, Samuel Prescott
    What- We see it now as the first military engagements of the Revolutionary War
    Where- Massachusetts
    Why- The British marched to seize the weapons that the colonists had been collecting
  • Bunker Hill

    Who- Colonel William Prescott
    What- A battle between the colonists and the British that inflicted a significant amount of casualties in the British army, that even though the colonists lost, it boosted their confidence significantly.
    Where- Bunker Hill (most of the fighting took place on Breed’s Hill), Massachusetts
    Why- The British were planning on sending men to occupy the hill’s surrounding the city, so the Americans built earthen fortifications
  • The Battle at Trenton

    Who- George Washington, Colonel Johann Rall, Nathaniel Greene, John Sullivan
    What- A surprise attack on Trenton that the British did not see coming
    Where- Trenton, New Jersey
    Why- It was a small, but crucial, victory for the Americans
  • Battles of Saratoga

    Who- George Washington, Benedict Arnold, Colonel Daniel Morgan, John Burgoyne
    What- A turning point in the Revolutionary War that convinced the French government to formally recognize the colonist’s and then enter the war as an American ally
    When- September 19, 1777 to October 7, 1777
    Where- New York
    Why- This battle ended the British threat on New England
  • Winter at Valley Forge

    Who- George Washington, Continental Army
    What- An extremely hard winter in a makeshift camp at Valley Forge
    When- December 19, 1777 to June 19, 1778
    Where- Valley Forge
    Why- From Valley Forge George Washington could keep an eye on General Howe’s British army that was in Philidelphia
  • Siege of Yorktown

    Who- George Washington, Charles Cornwallis, General Charles O’Hara
    What- The most important battle in the Revolutionary War
    When- September 28, 1781 to October 19, 1781
    Where- Yorktown, Virginia
    Why- George Washington saw an opportunity to trap Charles Cornwallis on the Yorktown peninsula
  • Articles of Confederation

    Who- John Dickinson
    What- The first written constitution of the United States
    When- Adopted on November 15, 1777, ratified by all 13 colonies on March 1, 1781
    Where- Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
    Why- Helped the states stay sovereign and independent