Revolutionary War Timeline

  • Lexington

    Five miles before arriving to Concord the British troops saw colonist lined up ready for anything that may occur. As the british troops lowered their muskets the colonist did not and someone shot fire making the british troops to fire back.
  • Concord

    Since the colonist where warned by Paul Revere they knew what was coming and they where prepared. As the britishe arrived there was no one in town and as they where on their way to leave the colonist came out of hiding for a surprise attack
  • Bunker Hill

    Bunker Hill
    British general Thomas Gage sent his soldiers to Breeds Hills to strike. Once they got there the colonist where ready so they faught both had casualties and now know as one of the deadliest battles.
  • New York

    New York
    The british seixed New York with 32,000 soldiers. These soldiers weren't just british they also hired soldiers and German mercendries. They included all soldiers with military strengths to help out.
  • Trenton

    The british pushed Washington's troops into the Delaware river leaving them to a bad stormwhile they where reaching to Trenton. In Trenton they where surprised by the hessians attack making the british lose the battle.
  • Saratoga

    When the Americans surrendered in Saratoga it gave a big relief for everyone. The french even signed an alliance with the Americans and asked them to join their fight.
  • Valley Forge

    Valley Forge
    Washington and his soldiers suffered with running out of food and supplies while they where going through the winter storms with barely any shelter. They were also going through a disease in which many died but did not discourage the rest.
  • Marquis de Lafayatte

    Marquis de Lafayatte
    This was when Paul Jones brought together many troops for training. This training allowed them to become better soldier and leaders for upcoming battles.
  • Philadelphia

    On this day it was official that the United States troops will be getting paid monthly in coins. This was possible by the funding of the Quakers and Jews and this will help with the families of the soldies when they are out fighting.
  • Yorktown

    This is the time in which the british surrendered after their "greatest victory" of Savannah, Georgia. They surrendered after hearing Cornwallis plans of fortinfing Yorktown, takeing virginina, and joining Clinton's forces.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    This is a document confirming the United States independence. The US connects with the Alantic Ocean, Mississippi river, and Canada to Florida.