Stamp Act
The British establish the Stamp Act to raise money to cover the French and Indian War. This makes the colonist upset. -
Boston Massacre
After the Stamp Act is established things start to get rowdy in Boston. The Sons of Liberty is created and everyone is on edge. This boils over when British troops open fire on civilians after getting hit with oysters and snowballs -
Boston Tea Party
Tea was affected by the Stamp Act. To show their feelings towards the Stamp Act the Sons of Liberty dress up as indians and dump large amounts of tea into the Boston Harbour. -
First Continental Congress
The First Continental Congress met to talk about the situation of the colonies. They set up boycotts and agreed to meet again the next year. -
Patrick Henry's Speech
Patrick Henry a patriot from Virginia gives a speech. In this speech he proudly proclaims the now famous line "Give me Liberty, or Give me Death -
Common Sense Published
Written by Thomas Paine. The pamphlet goes in to the "common sense" of why Britain should no longer control the colonies. It's loved and gets the patriots a bunch of new eager followers -
Battle of Saratoga, New York
Fought in Saratoga during the climax of the war. This key victory would lead the colonist into winning the war. -
Franklin negotiates deal with France
Ben Franklin goes to France to negotiate with French. He manages to strike a deal and get us French soldiers. -
Battle of Yorktown
The colonist corner the British in Yorktown, Virginia. The British surrender giving the colonies their hard fought freedom. -
Treaty of Paris
The newly founded United States is expanded to the Mississippi River. Disregarding the Native Americans that have lived here for centuries.