William Howe
William Howe was one of the British generals during the Revolutionary War. He was born in England. He was the illegitimate uncle of King George the Third, who was the British king during the Revolutionary War. http://library.thinkquest.org/TQ0312848/people.htm -
George Washington
He's Father was a wealthy man who owned a lot of farms & slaves and he made money by growing tobacco and rice. George was a surveyor he liked to hunt, horseback ride, and he was quite well in math. Also George helped to map out the wilderness when he was only sixteen years old -
Thomas Jefferson
He ran for president in 1796, but lost to John Adams.
He ran again in 1801 but he won this time.
He was president intul 1809
And He wrote the first draft of the declaration of independence -
Benjamin Rush
He server as a Son Of Liberty.
Son Of Liberty is a group of patriots who were trying to get independence from England. He was appointed Surgeon General to the armies of the Middle Department In the Continental Army in 1777. -
George Washington Quotes
"Nothing is a greater stranger to my breast, or a sin that my soul more abhors, than that black and detestable one, ingratitude" He wrote this letter to Governor Robert Dinwiddie, May 29, 1754 -
Nathan Hale
Nathan Hale attended college at Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut from when he was 14 until the time he was 16 He graduated from Yale and became a teacher at the age 18. Nathan Was hanged on September 22, 1776 -
Fun Fact!
The first shots rang out on the morning of April 19, 1775 in Lexington, Mass. http://www.factmonster.com/ipka/A0769969.html -
The Battle of Long Island (Brooklyn Heights)
This Battle Took Place In Long Island, New York On August 22, 1776 the British landed on Long Island. British General William Howe defeated General Charles Lee at the Battle of Long Island. This took place at Jamaica Pass in Brooklyn. The British had has lost 63 killed and 337 hurted and missing while Washington had lost about 970 men, hurted or missing, and 1,079 taken captive. George Washington had lost almost a quarter of his entire command. http://www.theamericanrevolution.org/battles.aspx -
The Battle of White Plains
Their was 2 teams in this battle Great Britain And The Us Colonies In The Great Britain Side.
The Commander Was Sir William Howe.
There was 42 people killed
And there was 182 Wounded The Us Colonies The Commander Was George Washington. There was 28 people killed
And There was 126 people wounded -
The Battle of Fort Washington
There was to sides in this war.
The U.S Colonies And Great Britain The U.S Colonies Killed: 59
Wounded: 96 And The Commander Was George Washington & Robert Magaw Great Britain Killed: 84
Wounded: 374 The Commander In Great Britain Is Sir William Howe And Wilhelm von Knyphausen -
France & America Alliance
France gave supplies and money to the american side. So America And France made a alliance -
Washington Picks A New General
George Washing Picks a new general, Nathanael Greene. He picks him to become in charge of the southern army. -
Maryland Dicision
Maryland ratified the articles of confederation. America had the goverment