Lord Cornwallis
Charles Cornwallis was the 1st Marquess Cornwallis KG between 1753 and 1762. Between 1762 and 1792 he was a British army officer and colonial administrator. In the US and UK he is best remembered as one of the leading British generals in the American War of Independence. He surrendered in1781. -
Martha Custis Washington
She was married to George Washington for over 20 years and was known as the first lady so everyone called her Lady Washington. Although she was not coined until her death she was still known as an important part in history. -
Treaty of Paris
The treaty of paris was almost like a gift for winning the war. Although there was a bunch more to it and the French lost many countries they ended up using the treaty of paris as a reward of it. -
Proclamation of 1763
This act inforced settlers from settling past a line drawn along the Appalachian Mountains. The purpose of the proclamation was to organize Great Britain's new North American empire and to stabilize their relationship with Native North Americans through regulation of trade, settlement, and land purchases on the western frontier. -
Period: to
Revolutionary War
Events that happened within the Revolutionary War -
Stamp Act
It was a direct tax put to place by british parliment specifically on colonies of british America, and it required that many printed materials in the colonies be produced on stamped paper produced in London. -
Quatering Act
British parliment ordered local governments of the American colonies to provide anything needed for the british soldiers. Also citizens were required to provide food for soldiers. -
Sons of Liberty
An organization that patriots came up with throughout the 13 colonies that resisted some british laws. -
Townshend Act
The townshend acts were a bunch of acts that imposed duties on glass, lead, paints, paper and tea that were being imported to the colonies. -
Boston Massacre
The Boston Massacre was when five colonists were killed by british regulators. There were tensions in the American colonies that had been growing since Royal troops first appeared in Massachusetts -
Boston Tea Party
This was a nonviolent protest by the Sons of Liberty. They disguised as Indians, and destroyed the entire supply of tea sent by the East India Company in protest of tea carrying a tax the Americans had not authorized. -
Intolerable Act
This act was a response to the Boston Tea Party. It closed Boston Port to all ships, no matter what business the ship had. It also provided that Massachusetts Colony's seat of government should be moved to Salem and Marblehead made a port of entry. -
Intolerable Act
British Officials could not be tried in colonial courts for crimes. They would be taken back to Britain and have a trial there. This made it so the British could do whatever they wanted in the colonies and to the Colonists. -
Quartering Act
This new Quartering Act similarly allowed a governor to house soldiers in other buildings,such as: barns, inns, among other unoccupied structures, if suitable quarters were not provided. It did not have the same legislation as in the previous Act, that soldiers be supplied with provisions. -
Intolerable Act
This was when the quatering act allowing soldiers to be housed was put to place. -
Intolerable Act
Designated western region north of the Ohio River as part of Quebec and made Roman Catholicism the established religion of Quebec;. This upset colonists. -
1st Continental Congress
This was a convention of delegates from twelve colonies that met at Carpenters' Hall in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, early in the American Revolution. It was called in response to the Intolerable Acts. The Intolerable Acts had punished Boston for the Boston Tea Party. -
1st Continental Congress
Was a convention of delegates from twelve colonies at Carpenters' Hall in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, early in the American Revolution. It was called in response to the Intolerable Acts. The Intolerable Acts had punished Boston for the Boston Tea Party. -
First the loyalists tried to prevent the American Revolution and they battled the patriots during war. -
Lexington and Concord
Lexington and Concord was the war between the French and Colonists ended having a win for the colonists independence. -
Thomas Paine
He was an American author who wrote common sense that was meant to encourage Americans to fight for their independence and what they believed in. -
Decloration of Independence
The declaration of independence was significant to America because it led us to have no longer any natural rights. It started every man has the same rights and they should be equa -
The patriots were the ones who spent their own life fighting for freedom of America and they were just trying to protect themselves and others risking their lives. -
Battle of Saratoga
The battle of saratoga was between two very important battles and was a victory for all of the patriots during the American Revolution. It was also considered a turning point in history. -
Benedict Arnold
Originally fought for America, but then later became a British general. While a general on the American side, he obtained command of the fort at West Point, New York, and planned to surrender it to the British forces. After the plan was exposed in September 1780, he was commissioned into the British Army as a brigadier general. -
Battle of Yorktown
This was called the most important battle in the Revolutionary time era. Generals were taking their troops to march in the battle of Yorktown against the British. -
Treaty of Paris
The treaty of paris 1783 ended the revolutionary war and Great britain ended up recognizing the American independence. This was one of the good treaties in this time period. -
George Washington
Was the leader in the Continental army and when the Revolutionary War ended he had so much power he called himself king. He was the 1st president of the US. -
Thomas Jefferson
The third president of the United States and made a draft of the Declaration of Independence. He was the reason the US had a lot of land mass because he was involved with the Louisiana Purchase. -
Sam Adams
Said that his most important time in history was when he lead his soldiers into the Boston Massacre and when he encountered Captain Preston. Died in 1803 -
Abigail Adams
Wife of the second president of the US and was known as the first lady. She was also an educator during the Revolution and her and her husband were madly in love. Died in 1818 -
John Adams
Was the second president of the US and contributed greatly to the draft of the Declaration of Independence. Died in 1826 -
Paul Revere
Paul Revere was sent to warn the colonists Redcoats were coming so he took a Midnight Ride to Lexington and Concord to warn them.