revolutionary war time line

By ducatz1
  • 1775 continental army

    1775 continental army
    George Washington was declared leader of the continental army in early July. The army was no more than 17,000.
  • Declaration of Independince

    In early July the Declaration of Independence was signed. The most popular signer was John Hancock. He signed is name in large print because he would die if the brittish Found the deck o indi so he was going to do it proudly for his country
  • 1777

    General Burgoyne left Canada in June of 1777 with an army of British, Hessians, and Iroquois. In July, they captured Fort Ticonderoga.
  • JPJ

    John Paul Jones became the captain of a ship called the Bonhomme Richard. with four other ships he ramed into a British vessel called the Serapis. a famous quoit that he said was “I have not yet begun to fight!”
  • Snow

    On this date a snowstorm hit Washington's camp. This doesn't sound bad but it effected the u.s a lot! Most of Washington men were poorly dressed, some were in shorts in 0 degree weather. The Cold Weather Murdered Washington's troops just like a slaughter house.
  • Battle at King Mountain.

    Battles in the South turned violent. The Battle of Kings Mountain was fought on the border of NC/SC. the Americans slaughtered British and loyalist they had surrounded.