Revolutionary War project

  • Introduction

    This time line tells about the events and battles that led up to the United States independence. America showed great perseverance in the revolutionary war. They stood up to Great Britain and won even though Britain had every advantage over them. The army had a great leader, George Washington who always reminded them of their patriotism.
  • The Battle in Brooklyn

    The Battle in Brooklyn
    The Battle in Brooklyn, New York occurred on August 27,1776 when the British and American armies were joined in Brooklyn for an important battle. The American and British met in Brooklyn and the Americans were not a great of an army as the British. After two days of battle the Americans had lost 1,407 and the British only 377 men. Then Howe ordered for the attack to stop, so he waited. Washington would not give up so an officer asked him what his strengths were. But Washington was told he must r
  • The Crisis

    The Crisis
    The Crisis was written on December 14, 1776 by Thomas Paine. Washington’s army was short on supplies and he knew he needed to do something fast to brighten their spirits. Washington read his army The Crisis to remind them of their patriotism. Washington then planned an attack on the Hessian troops.
  • The Battle at Trenton, New Jersey

    The Battle at Trenton, New Jersey
    The Battle in Trenton, New Jersey was on December 25, 1776 when Washington and his troops crossed the Delaware River to get to New Jersey. They had to walk through snow with rocks that was very cold because their shoes were not good, then one officer reported to Washington that it was to wet to fire the guns so they had to use bayonets. Washington decided this would be a great time to bombard the Hessians which were soldiers from Germany that King George III hired. The reason it would be so grea
  • The Battle of Saratoga

    The Battle of Saratoga
    When John Burgoyne reached Saratoga the rebels were waiting to attack him. The rebels outnumbered Burgoyne. Burgoyne ordered that his men would attack but the Americans kept beating them back. John Burgoyne accepted defeat on October 17, 1777 to the unorganized American army. This was a turning point in the war, the Americans proved that they could face a British army and win. After the battle the French became allies with the Americans due to their hatred for the British. They provide the Ameri
  • Winter at Valley Forge

    Winter at Valley Forge
    Washington and his army were going to Valley Forge to camp for the winter. General Howe was still occupied in Philadelphia. Joseph Martin described Valley Forge and said that they hadn’t had food for days. He also said that the uniforms and blankets were limited. Most of the farmers who sold food sold it to the British because they paid them in gold while the Americans paid in paper money. The merchants who sold clothes and blankets raised their prices too high for the Americans to afford. Valle
  • Battle at Monmouth

    Battle at Monmouth
    The Battle at Monmouth was on June 28,1778 when Washington had to follow the British troops to New Jersey. There was a battle that followed and then Washington had to be everywhere to encourage his troops to fight on. Then the British crossed the Hudson River so they could be safe. Washington was with his army nearby. This was important because George Washington showed courage and cheered on his men which gave them strength.
  • Guerilla Warfare in the South

    Guerilla Warfare in the South
    The Americans received helped from Guerillas which where soldiers who were not part of a regular army. General Nathaniel Greene used the Guerilla Warfare to stop Cornwallis’ advance. The Guerilla Warfare was a hit-and-run strategy. Greene and his troops led Cornwallis and his troops on an exhausting chase with this strategy. Cornwallis and his army were tired and went to Yorktown for a rest. The Guerilla Warfare was a great strategy and was a great strategy for the Americans.
  • The Battle at Yorktown, Virginia

    The Battle at Yorktown, Virginia
    The Battle at Yorktown, Virginia was around October 6, 1781 when Washington and the French and Americans set a trap for the British in Yorktown. France had sent over more troops and almost 3,000 would be coming on 29 warships. Using the information Washington decided to secretly move his troops to Virginia and surround Yorktown and have the warships block the entrance to the Chesapeake Bay. So then Cornwallis the British general would have no way to get out. So a flag was raised and fire was o
  • The Treaty of Paris

    The Treaty of Paris
    The Treaty of Paris, in Paris was in early 1783 when representatives from the US and Britain signed a peace treaty. The first part of it was that Britain must realize the United States were their own independent country. Second, Britain gave up all land from Atlantic coast to the Mississippi and from Canada to Florida. The last thing was that the Americans must give back what they look from the Loyalists during the war. This was important because it signified peace and that the war was over so