Revolutionary War phase 1

  • The Battle of Lexington

    On April 19th 1775 900 to 1000 British troops marched into Lexington to get wepons that weren't even there in Concord. The British were suprised to see 70 colonists standing with muskets. They wouldn't move, so the British fired.
    In the picture it is showing the colonists geting shot at by the British.
  • The Battle of Concord

    Just a couple hours after the "battle" of Lexington another battle occured that is called the battle of Concord. The British were going there because they believed that there were wepons being stored there. Yet, at one point they were but the americans were able to steal them and burn down the building that held them.
    In this picture it is showing the Americans on the left and British on the right fighting in the battle of Concord.
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    American Revolution phase 1

  • Fort Ticonderoga

    On the night of May 10, 1775 the American leader Ethan Allen led his troops right to one of the British’s best forts while they were sleeping. He woke up the general and commanded to let the Americans take the fort. Since the British were not armed they had no other choice but to surrender the fort over to the Americans.
    In this picture it shows the American leader Ethan Allan commanding the British to hand over the fort.
  • Battle of Quebec

    On November 1, 1775 Benadict Arnold wanted to invade Quebec in hope to defeat British forces. Yet, in the end it didn't work out right and the British won which made the American army weak from a grueling battle.
    In the picture it shows the British soldeirs shooting Genral Richard Montgomary.
  • The British retreat from Boston

    On March 17, 1776 the British relized that thier city was un hold able. So they retreated from Boston and handed it over to the rebals.
    In the picture it shows Willam Howe commanding his troops to retreat.